Chapter 22 - Anthony

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A week after we were back from Miami, I got a call from Amy. I just came back to the Vibes from her place.

"Hey princess" I said.

All I could hear was a sob. Amy was sobbing.

"Amy.... what's wrong?" I stopped in front of my room and spun around climbing down the stairs.

"Can... can you come?" She hitched.

"Sure. I'm on my way. What's wrong Amy?" I ran to my car and drove to her.

"Just come here. Hurry" she sobbed.

"Okay" I whispered.


I ran to Amy's house. She opened it and ran to me. Cried in my chest. "What's wrong baby?" I caressed her head.

She pulled me to the house and we sat on the couch. Billy was there. "Tony" his voice hoarse.

"Bil? I thought you were going to construction" I said. Amy is still in my arms.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry Tony but... I couldn't stay here any longer"


He nodded. "I... I borrowed some money and I couldn't pay it"

"Borrow? From who? What for?" I frowned. I didn't get it.

"I... I was desperate for Jessica to have treatment. And as you know the treatment's fee is quite high"

I nodded.

"I borrowed some money"

"Yeah Amy told me. You borrowed it from your boss, right?"

He shook his head. "No... I got it... from a loaner"

"Loan... you mean a shark loan?" My eyes widened. And he nodded. Fuck!

Amy's sob was getting louder. I caressed her. Her body was shaking.

"How much, Billy?"

Billy cleared his throat. "$100.000"

"Jesus Christ"

"I still have some money but it won't be enough for Jess and Amy to live in LA. So.. I'm planning to send them to Connecticut."

I felt something kick in my stomach. "Connecticut?" I replied.

"Yeah, Jess' sister lives there. At least Amy has a place to stay. And an aunt to take care of her"

Amy hugged me tightly. What should I do now?

"I can sell my car, and you can use it to pay the debt"

He shook his head "we can't use your money, Tony..."

Amy just kept crying. I hugged her tightly.

He looked at his watch and exhaled. He put a paper. "This is the ticket to Connecticut for you and your mom, Amy. I'm so sorry" he looked up. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "I... starting from today, I couldn't take care of you anymore" he looked at Amy.

Amy came to him and hugged him "dad" this was the first time she called him dad.

He hugged her tightly "I'm so sorry Amy" Billy said in a heavy voice.

Amy shook her head. "You did nothing wrong dad. Thank you for everything... even though I never called you Dad before. But you are the only dad for me" Amy cried and hugged him tightly. He hugged Amy too

I wiped my tears abruptly.

Billy pulled back "be happy Amy. You are a great daughter. I'm so proud of you" he kissed Amy's head. Billy gave Amy an envelope "this is the only money I have. For you..."

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