Chapter 53 - Amanda

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Aunt Jana is still the same. She is a short woman, like only 5 feet, with more than 190 pounds weight on her body. Yes, she's not the healthiest person and I know she doesn't even want to maintain her health, weight and whatever it is.

she exhales " why are you here?" she narrows her eyes at me, her mouth downward and her voice sharp.

"apparently, I'm the only family you have. So, bear with me" I say and sit next to her bed "how are you?"

"Cut the talk, Amanda. Don't act nice to me"

"I won't. I just want to make sure you are okay so I can go back to my place in LA"

"Yeah, move far away from me and don't look at me anymore. Just think that I'm no one to you"

I shake my head. After all this time she still says the same words. "Why do you have to be like this, aunt Jana? Can we be more... I don't know... civilized maybe?"

"So what? So you can come to me when you need me?"

I exhale "I promise you I won't. I know you don't like me. I don't want to be a shameless person asking your help. I still have my own friends whom I'm sure will help me without second thought. And I have a boyfriend who really loves and cares for me."

"Like mother like daughter" she laughs mockingly. I am confused.

"What do you mean? Don't take mom to this" I warn her.

"We should take her!" she says.

"Aunt Jana---"

"She was the one who said the same, and look where is her gravestone? Here! Back in Connecticut. She told us that she married happily with her husband the conman"

"Billy wasn't a con man! He had decent jobs. He gave his best for mom." I say.

"Whatever" she mutters. "She said she'd live happily ever after with that guy, and look! In the end he sent her back to here."

"He never wanted to do that. The condition was complicated back then" I say defensively. 2 years ago the police called me to inform them that they finally found who killed Billy. The shark loan killed him because he couldn't pay his loan. My heart broke when I heard it. It was all because Billy wanted mom to have the best treatment. He did anything he could for mom. I don't know the truth in his mind. My guess is... Billy just wants to do anything for mom, even though he has to sacrifice himself for her.

"He just tired taking care of you and your useless mom"

I stand up "can you please leave my parents out of this? They are already dead and rest in peace. I'm here because the hospital called me. So let's focus on you" I say.

"I don't need you, dear" she says venomously. God, I still have no idea why she hates me like this?

"Why?" I ask her.

"Why what?"

"Why do you always hate me? I don't think I ever do anything that makes you hate me"

She chuckles and shakes her head, like telling me I'm so clueless. But I am. I really am clueless with this.

"Okay, since you want to know the truth. I'll tell you right from the very beginning about you and your lovely mom" I glare at her, the way she said lovely more like she said it full of disgust. But I need to know. So I keep my mouth shut to make her keep talking.

"Did you know how my mom met your grand dad?"

I blink. It never crossed my mind about this.

"You didn't know right?" she laughs and shakes her head. "my mom was a live-in nurse. She took care of your grandma"

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