🐟 chapter 7

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Jungkook had left to the kitchen, going to make the boy a cup of tea to relax. Time to time he turned around to look at Taehyung who was sitting on the couch, staring into a magazine jungkook had laying next to the couch.

"jungkook whats this?" taehyung said from the couch. He held up the magazine. It showed a picture of firework from last newyear. As you may have noticed now the magazines were rather old. Jungkook got them for guests but never looks into them, just decoration.

"those are fireworks"

"fire? Isnt that dangerous?" taehyung asked and his eyes widen seeing the people so close to those things.

"well yea, but no" jungkook said as he turned around taking the fresh tea to the merman. "if you use it properly it isnt that dangerous"

"oh, do you have it?"

"no. You can kinda only buy close to new year" jungkook stuck out his arm with the tea. "here is the tea"

"it smells nice" taehyung sniffed the steam above the tea. This drink was very interesting to him. He only drank water. He could take in seawater without getting sick, unlike most humans.

"its is forest fruit flavour. I think you would like that one"

"hmm, ah hot!" taehyung gasped.

"oh sorry, i forgot to warn you"

Im not used to hot drink, water is usually luke warm or cold." taehyung pouted a bit and tried to blow the tea so it will cool down.

"so do you sleep at night like we on land do?"

"of course i do, im not an alien" taehyung said.

"well you kinda a-i mean yea" jungkook quickly corrected himself and chuckled.


"nothing, so what i wanted to say. I have a spare room for guests, if you want i can go prepare that one real quick"

"i dont stay with you?" taehyung asked and looked up a slight concerned frown on his face.

"well, uhm...I mean if you want to...Maybe you thought it was strange?"

"how is it strange?"

"i..I dont know how to exlain now but if you want to sleep in my room thats okay." jungkook said taehyung immediately relaxed and smiled.

"i dont want to be lone. I dont feel right here on land, its scary"  taehyung said staring at the last half of his tea.

"i see..."

"its all new and big here. I miss the protection of the water, the rocks and plants. I feel so vulnerable"

"i understand. But i assure you, you are safe as long you are on my property." jungkooks words sounded like he really wasnt lying. It calmed taehyung.

"you are kind"

"you keep saying that" jungkook chuckled.

"is that bad?"

"not at all"


Now the two were in the bedroom. Well jungkook stood in the doorway while taehyung sat on his knees in the bed witb wide eyes. Grabbing the blankets and pillows squeezing them.

"its so soft!"

"i know"

"i want this in the sea!"

"it will get wet. It wont be soft when its wet" jungkook said and shook his head smiling. The boy was cute in his eyes.

"oh, thats sad.....But still, i can enjoy it now!"

"so you want to share beds?"

"yes" taehyung answered having a big ball he made of the blanket in his arms. "it smells like you"

"thats because its my bed.."

"did you know merman have great smelling senses?" taehyung asked.

"no i didnt, i dont know much of your kind."

"i will teach you, like you will teach me about your land"

"sounds good to me."

"if i gotta stay here, i can use it to learn now things. I will have amazing stories to tell my parents" he said excited. But slowly his face changed and he sighed. "if i find them again"

"im sure you will"

"i hope so....I miss them a lot. I feel so alone in the water here"

"i can imagine. I have never seen any of your kind here before. You are the first"

"we stay far far away from the surface actually. And from humans and human creations." taehyung said while he started putting the blanket back where it belonged.

"so you are good at hiding?"

"yes but near land i cant hide, only behind rocks. The sea is dying. There is just little food for me to live from, but a manage. I just gotta swim really far for it"

"doesn't it make you tired?"

"always, thats how i..Ended up getting hurt in the storm in the sea" taehyung looked down at his waist placing a hand where the wound was.

"oh, what happend exactly?" jungkook asked and sat down next to the blue haired boy.

"i was hungry and searching for food. But i had gotten exhausted from swimming through the rough water streams. And i lost to it, i crashed against a rock. Only remember it hurted a lot, but i passed out after."

"im sorry"

"its okay..."

"now you are here, and i will make sure you stay healthy." jungkook smiled and gently touched Taehyungs hair which was soft. The merman seemed to like that gesture and leaned into the touch, letting Jungkook run his fingers through his locks. "lets brush our teeth and sleep"


After they had gotten ready for bed. It was already very late. Taehyung was taeyung next to Jungkook his eyes open. He was very tired of all that happend today. He was thinking it was very new and strange to him to sleep in a bed like this. To be out of the water. He felt so dry, it felt weird.

He didnt dare to close his eyes. Listening to all the sounds he could hear from outside. Even tho the only things he heard was the waves in the distance, the wind and the leaves on the tree.

"go to sleep, i stay here" jungkook said to the other as he laid on his side. He noticed the other was a bit hesitant to close his eyes.
Taehyung looked at the tall raven, he then scooted closer to the other and closed his eyes.
Jungkook looked at the merman that was almost laying almost against him.

But it didnt bother him..

He just smiled and closed his eyes as well.


I had to get used to writing a softer jungkook than usual. Because i have a dark jungkook book ongoing as well. Lol.

But i like it, its a bit different.

Thank you for reading again, see you at the next chapter!

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