🐟 chapter 21

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The two were back home Jungkook all wet Taehyung luckily dry.

"that was something..." Jungkook said throwing his wet jacket over a chair. Taehyung felt bad the raven was all wet now.


"about what?" jungkook asked turning around.

"that you got wet because of me."

"its okay, dont worry. I will just get dry clothes" Jungkook patted Taehyungs head and walked to the stairs. Taehyung sighed, he wanted to help. So he went to the kitchen and prepaired something.

Jungkook was gone for a while but when he was back downstairs he saw Taehyung on his knees on the couch looking into some of the old magazines.

"im back" he said getting the merman's attention. Taehyung smiled a bit and pointed to the steaming cup on the table.

"i made you drink" he said. "well...I tried"

"ahw, thank you" jungkook smiled from the kind action. He saw that its was supposed to be tea but it was a very dark tea. The tea bag was still in it...Probably for like fifteenth minutes already.

Jungkook sat down and taehyung put a blanket over jungkooks shoulders. Jungkook got the tea and sipped it. "hm, very bitter" he chuckled. He wont drink it, it was tasting very bad. The tea bag was in it way too long.

"its not good?" taehyung asked.

"the tea is too strong. It makes it taste bitter"

"oh" taehyungs lips formed a 'o' shape staring at the cup with the almost black liquid.

"you will learn, and i appreciate the effort" jungkook said. Taehyung smiled again.

"i really enjoyed today, thank you" Taehyung then said.

"glad to hear you did"

"when are we going on a date again? I like this"

"very soon"

"can we go tomorrow?"

"maybe, we'll see" jungkook chuckled.  Taehyung scooted closer and got under the blanket as well leaning against the human. Jungkook lifted his arm wrapping it around taehyung. He would like this to be for more days...He wanted it everyday.

it was a nice warm moment. Taehyung wanted to get up to put away the not good tea but Jungkooks arm tightened. Not letting him get off the couch.

Taehyung look a bit confused up at Jungkook. "kookie?" he said wanting to get up.

"stay"  jungkook didnt want to miss Taehyungs body warmth against him.

Taehyung relaxed a bit seeing jungkook didnt mean harm with this. But he couldnt move his eyes from the human. He was frozen in place. His hart beating so fast.

Jungkooks eyes were gentle. He felt it. But did he dare to do it....Wat this okay? Will it be okay?.....He looked at Taehyung, the boy who was so pretty and kind. The boy he liked so much. Jungkook felt the tingles and he just did what his heart told him.

He kissed him.

As soon their lips connected Taehyungs eyes went wide his heart skipped a beat. He melted in Jungkook's arms.

They parted and Jungkook looked at taehyung, searching for any dislike of ehat he just did. But he didnt find any. Only the sparkle in Taehyungs eyes and the blush on his cheeks.

The merman smiled and held Jungkooks hand. Jungkook smiled back and intertwined their fingers. This time without hesitation he connected their lips for a second time. This time he gently pushed taehyung on his back hovering over him.

The merman gripped Jungkooks hand tighter, his whole body was hot. His heart fluttering. They parted again and jungkook laid down next to Taehyung. Wrapping a arm around taehyung pulling the boy on his chest.

"that was nice" taehyung said his finger touched his lips. He could still feel the touch of jungkooks lips lingering.

"i wanted to do that for a while now"

"really?" taehyung was a bit surprised. He didnt notice that before. Probably because he was too buisy with all the new things this world had to show him.

"mhm" jungkook reached for the blanket and pulled it over them. Making sure to cover taehyung well.

Both of them didnt want to talk now. Living back to the moment that happend just now. It was nice, this was nice. Jungkook was sure this is what he wanted, this was what he was missing in his life.

Taehyung was also glad, he felt like he found somewhere to not only call but also feel home...Jungkook. He smiled and snuggled into the human's shirt.

Jungkook chuckled softly at the cute action and caressed the merman's blue hair. They didnt know how long they had been laying there but they do know they fell asleep right there.



i have been watching the Mots On:e just now. And now im sad its over.

It was so fun, Jimins contemporary dance was AMAZING i loved it. The whole concert was worth it. Thank you once again BTS.

And of course thanks to my readers that read the chapter hehe, i did not forget you all.💕💕💕
See you soon in the next update, Lovelies!💜ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ

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