🐟 chapter 23

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"where are we? Is this big city?" taehyung asked after they exited the car and walked through the parkinglot exit.

"yup, welcome in Busan" jungkook said. He lived at the seashore and this was the closest city he had.

"woah" taehyung said when they were in the street. He saw big buildings. But as soon he started looking in front of him he didnt feel to happy anymore. There were a lot of humans walking around like ants.

"you won't leave me alone right?" Taehyung asked and searched for Jungkook's hand

"i wont, dont worry" Jungkook chuckled and geld Taehyungs hand. He started walking into the shopping steets area. Taehyung walked closely next to him not daring to look at all the humans. He didnt feel safe with so many unknown people around him. There were only 6 people he liked so far. Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and of course Jungkook.

"ooh this is pretty" taehyungs eyes suddey tached a shiny and glittery store. He walked to the glass and looked at all the shimmering things behind it.

"want to go inside?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung nodded with big eyes.

"hello, can i help you two?" A lady behind the rather small desk asked.

"he wants to try some things"

"of course, what did he see?" she asked and looked at taehyung as well. But the boy was too buisy looking around at all the jewelry.

"just anything he likes." jungkook said and went to collect taehyung who was about to grab things from the store.


"tae, tell this lady what you want to try and she will get it for you" jungkook explained. Taehyung looked unsure about the lady but knowing Jungkook was here too he felt safer. So he nodded and walked to a glass.

"this" he said pointing at a necklace. It  had many diamonds

He put it on and smiled running to a mirror

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He put it on and smiled running to a mirror. "aahh its so pretty!"

"it is" Jungkook smiled leaning against the wall. He liked seeing taehyung so happy. "you want it?"

"can i? I didnt know" taehyungs eyes widen.

"of course you can, just tell me" Jungkook shrugged. He had momey enough, he didnt use it anyway.

"its costs 29.400." the lady informed.


"is that a lot?" taehyung asked.

"not at all" Jungkook smiled. "os you want it?"

"yes please!" taehyung nodded with a boxy smile. Even the lady couldnt hold back a smile. She got happy by such a cheerful person in her store.

"i will take thus one" jungkook said pointing to the white gold diamond chocker around taehyungs neck. "want anything else?"

"hm this?" taehyung pointed to a matching bracelet.

"and i will take that one too then" Jungkook chuckled and got his card. The lady calculated the amount and let the raven pay.

"thank you" she said and gave the receipt.

The two exited the store and taehyung was smiling so wide. "thank you kookie, i love them" he said and hugged Jungkook.

"anything for you" Jungkook replied softly.


The two retuened from a day shopping with a few bags which contained new clothes for taehyung and some groceries for the week.

"shall we go swim together?" jungkook asked while he was putting away the stuff.

"ah....Uhm..Not today"

"why not?" jungkook asked taehyung never refused a time to swim.

"juet not feeling like it."

"its good for you, just today then you can go do something else" jungkook said. He knew merman should swim. He is from the sea after all.

"...Im not....I do want to but..Not today" taehyung said even how much he wanted to go swim with jungkook.
But he didnt keep his wall for long enough. Becuase after Jungkook gave his secret puppy eyes to the merman taehyung agreed to go swimming. They were now in the pool area. Jungkook in the water meanwhile taehyung sat in the side. Not once touched the water.

"come on why dont you swim? You loved it right?" Jungkook asked. He felt confused by taehyung not wanting to get in the water.

"no im good here..." taehyung said. He would love to jump in and swim with Jungkook, but he didnt dare to do it. He didnt like the way it hurts and his tail looked ugly now.

He just sat there at the edge watching jungkook. The raven sighed. He swam to the boy and grabbed his wrist.

"tae come, whats wrong?"

"i just....Dont want to.."

"thats not the reason i can see you want to" jungkook said he gently pulled the boy's wrist. Taehyungs face changed,his eyes widen and shook his head.

"no no"

"why? give me one good reason" jungkook was getting a bit annoyed that taehyung didnt want to tell what was wrong. Jungkook could clearly tell that something was bothering the merman. He was from the sea, how can he not like the water?

"just....Im tired" taehyung said but the way he averted his eyes was enough to make jungkook see it was a lie. The raven suddenly yanked taehyung into the swimming pool.

"no!" taehyung said but it was too late. He fell in the water. He let out a short scream when his tail appeared and the pool water burned. "out! Out!" he moved to the side. Moving his tail made the pain worse. He noticed he couldnt breath properly with his gills that were on his neck when shifted.

Jungkook looked at him shocked and worried. Taehyungs tail looked far beyond healthy. It even lost its vibrant color.

"h-help, i want out. Please it hurts!" taehyung said his muscles were weak when he tried to push himself out of the water.

Jungkook snapped from his daze after hearing the desperate voice of the merman and rushed out of the water. He pulled taehyung out the pool and let him lay on the side. Seeing the that taehyung was crying hurt his heart a lot. The boy was in pain.

"Tae i didnt mean to hurt you...you should have told me..."  jungkook felt bad that he caused the boy harm after promising to never hurt him. He grabbed the towel and placed it on Taehyungs tail.

"gentle gentle" taehyung said when jungkook began rubbing it dry.
Jungkook listened and then just soflty patted all the water off taehyungs tail.

"im sorry" Taehyung said.

"for what?"

"for not telling you earlier.....not im not pretty anymore"

"hey dont worry about being prety, you are beautiful. Always." jungkook said taehyung gave a weak smile. "you should have told me, i maybe could have helped"

Taehyung didnt respond. He knew what he needed to do but he didnt want to. He wanted to stay here. He wanted to stay with jungkook. After being gone for this long he was getting scared to go back.


The promised second update for today^^

Thank you for reading see you at the next chapter!

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