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Everyone remember I was stupid and made Louis’s birthday (in the book) in September. So that's why it is not on Christmas eve. I’m still embarrassed about that. 


[ Harry's POV ]


I am lying on the couch watching some old t.v show, eating potato chips. Today is the day Gemma comes home from college for the holiday. I haven't seen her in almost a year, last holiday season to be exact. She spent the entire summer with her boyfriend. Which I have yet to meet, still unsure if I want to. The wind and snow blow at the windows. 

“Harry get off the couch. Your sister will be here any minute!” My mom exclaims as she hurries around the house. Cleaning it up and making it perfect. 

“If she even remembers who I am,” I mutter while my mom walks away. I mentally groan and get off the couch. Brushing off the crumbs on my wrinkled shirt and adjusting my hair. As if on cue (right when I'm about to sit back down) the doorbell rings. My mom practically sprints to the door and flings it open. 

Lo and behold Gemma is standing there, a suitcase in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in another. 

“Mom!” She hurries in, hugging my mother to death and shoving the flowers in her hands. She drops the suitcase down. 

“Where is Harry?’ She asks, looking around behind my mom. My mom silently points to me and Gemma turns towards me. Her face lights up and she runs up and hugs me. Crushing every bone in my body as her arms wrap around me. 

“I missed you so much, Harry!” She says as she finally releases her death grip on me and lets her arms dangle at her sides. 

“I missed you too,” I say with a smile. 

“Well, I made dinner!” My mom says, shoving us along to the dinner table. As we all sit down in our usual spots, it feels just like we are 10 again. I have been eating a lot of dinners alone or in my room. So it’s nice to eat together, as a family again. My mom made spaghetti and we all dig in. Gemma talks all about college and her friends. Gemma always has been a social butterfly. 

“So how are things going for you and your boyfriend?” Gemma says casually, spinning the spaghetti around her fork. I choke on the water flowing down my throat and have a coughing fit. When I finally regain my composure I face her.

“My what?!” ask, my voice wavering. 

“I think his name was uh- Lewis?’ She shrugs. 

“His name is Louis and he is not my boyfriend,” I state. 

“Well the way mom was describing it, sure sounded like it.”  I frantically look towards my mom, who avoids my gaze at all costs. Shoving food in her face so she can’t speak. I sigh and turn towards my sister. “When do I get to meet this boy?” She asks. 

“I’m inviting him over on Christmas,” I grumble, getting up and placing my plate carefully in the sink. 

“Well, he will have to get my approval you know.” She says. Half joking, half-serious. 

“You’ll love him, he’s a very nice boy.” My mom assures her. 

“Alright, I'll leave you two to discuss my love life. I’ll be in my room, hopefully getting carbon monoxide poisoning or something of the sort.” I say sarcastically as I leave the room. I can still hear them talking about him as I go upstairs. A while after dinner I hear the t.v turn on and someone walking upstairs. 

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