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Thank you all for 25k reads. Absolutely astonishing. You all are amazing I love you so much.


[ Louis’s POV ] 


I haven't heard from Harry for two days, I need to tell him something, and soon. Time is ticking and he needs to know. But it has to be the right time. I haven't gotten the chance because like I said, I haven’t seen him in two days. 

L: Wanna come over today? - Delivered 

L: Hey! You can come over or something today - Delivered 

L: It’s snowing again! Wanna come over and build a snowman with the girls? - Delivered 

L: Harry? - Delivered 

L: Harry are you okay? - Delivered 

“Hi, it's Harry! Sorry I couldn’t answer the phone-”

L: Harry please answer my call, I’m really worried. - Delivered 

My best friend, who I normally see and talk to every day, hasn't acknowledged my presence in two days. I would convince myself he’s busy but I know deep down he’s not, he doesn’t go anywhere unless I'm with him. I would convince myself that he is with his mom. But he said she is working extra shifts due to the holiday. Even if he was doing these things, he always at least tells me. He never leaves me hanging like this. 

What the hell can I do? I drum my fingers on my thigh anxiously. Then suddenly, I can feel the lightbulb in my head practically shatter. It's so bright.

“Here I want you to have this.” He places a shiny silver key in my hand. 

The key

I have a key to Harry’s house. I frantically get up and tear through my room. Where did I put that fucking key?! I finally find it at the bottom of my sock drawer. I grip it tightly in my hand and sprint out of the house. Getting into my car and speeding down the street before anyone even realizes I'm gone. 


“Harry?” I shout before even knocking on his door. I jiggle the door handle and pound on the door over and over. Shouting his name. “Harry please answer the door!” I feel bad but eventually, resort to using the key. It feels weird like I'm breaking into his house. But I need to know he’s alright. I slip the key into the lock and turn it. Shoving the door open. The house is dark, it looks untouched. Not a crumb on the counter, or a pillow out of place on the couch. 

I creep up the stairs. The hallway is clean too, the floor looks...polished? And the stairs are completely clean. Harry’s door is closed and there isn’t any light shining from underneath. I gently knock on the door.

“Harry?” I whisper. No response. “Harry are you in there? It’s Louis, you don’t have to come out. I just need to know you're okay.” 

Chilling silence. Giving me goosebumps, giving even my bones goosebumps. Unsettling every ounce of my body. 

“Harry, I'm gonna come inside.” I threaten, grabbing the door handle and preparing to twist. Not sure if I’m mentally prepared to see what might be on the other side of the door. 

Suddenly there is proof of life on the other side of the thick wood  

"No!" He cries. "Don't come in. I don't want you to see me like this." I freeze and carefully let the handle go. 

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