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Songs -
"She looks so perfect." 5SOS

[ Harry's POV ] 

After saying goodbye to Louis, Liam, and Niall. I get into my car and drive back to my house. It's around 6:00 so I have 4 hours to prepare. Which isn't a lot, I pick out an outfit. I decide on a pair of grey sweatpants and just a plain white t-shirt. I add just a few more blankets and pillows to the trunk of the car. And then I go scrounging around the house for all the snacks I can find. Which ends up being a bag of chips, 3 cookies, and a bag of Hershey's kisses. Which are probably for Halloween. But I'm sure my mom will get over it. After I do all that I decide to sit and watch t.v to relax. But I'm too nervous. So I'm just anxiously relaxing. 

(A/N: I'm curious what you guys think they are gonna do.)


Louis is knocking at my front door at 9:55. I let him knock 3 times before I open the door. He followed the dress code. He is wearing a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. 

"So what's my gift?" He asks after I let him inside.

"It's not here. We have to go somewhere." 

"Ooo. Very fancy." 

"You say that, as we are both wearing sweatpants." He just rolls his eyes. "We should probably get going," I say, knowing if we wait too much longer I'm gonna chicken out. 

"Now this, this is kidnapping." 

"Says the one who took me to the middle of a random field against my will." We bicker back and forth as we walk to the car.    

"Shut up." He says, getting the last word. I start up the car and he gets in the passenger seat. 

"Based on my driving abilities, I probably should have had you sign a contract before this. Just letting you know now if you die. It's not my fault." 

"Well, theoretically we would both be dead. So we can be little ghosts together and haunt people. But, I also would never know what my gift is. And I have closure issues. So I guess it's a win-lose either way." 

"Glad you have so much faith in me." I huff.  

"Oh cheer up Curly, it is my birthday after all." 

"Maybe the wreck won't be an accident," I mutter under my breath. While we pull out of the driveway. The place we are going to is about 30 minutes away. We sit in silence for about 5 minutes until Louis asks.  

"Wanna listen to some music?" 

"Sure," I reply. He smiles and plugs his phone into the aux. The first song to come blaring out of the speakers is 'She Looks So Perfect'. Louis proceeds to roll down the windows and turn the music up even louder. 

"I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS." He screams over the music and wind. This is probably a very bad idea considering it is 10:00 at night. But Louis looks so happy I just shrug it off and say a silent prayer. 

"YOU LOOK SO PERFECT STANDING THERE. IN MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEAR." We scream together. I stick my hand out the window, keeping the other one on the wheel. When I look over, Louis has his eyes closed and he has his hand out the window as well. His cheekbones are so prominent. And his harry is all fluffy and messed up from the wind. When the song ends we are both out of breath. But I can't tell if I'm out of breath from singing. Or looking at Louis. We go through Louis's entire playlist, including a lot of random rock songs and a few more pop hits. 

"We are here," I say. We have to drive down a long windy road. Until we get to a big field. It has a few spotlights and a huge projector screen. 

"Where are we?" Louis says in awe. His eyes are huge and he is leaning against the glass like a two year old. 

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant