♡ SIX ♡

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[Harry's POV]

We are sitting in Louis's car driving to his house. I already called my mom and she said it was more than fine. I was gonna tell her to make up an excuse for me so I didn't have to go. But she just sounded so happy. I couldn't do it.

It's not that I don't wanna go to Louis house. Of course I do, it's just that i don't know if i'm gonna be able to hold it together. I didn't really have time to mentally prepare to go to his house. I was just shoved in the car and here we are.

"None of my family is gonna be home so it should be pretty quiet. Especially since none of my sisters will be there." He says, breaking the silence.

"You never told me you had sisters."

"Really? Oh well I have 4 very obnoxious sisters."

I smile to myself. I've always wished that I had more siblings.

"What about you?" He asks me.

"I have an older sister. She's in her junior year of college."

"Lucky, I wish my sisters would just get out of the house." He says with a laugh.


Louis's house looks really nice from the outside. It's a fairly large white house. There are lots of pink daisies all around the outside of the house. When we go in I hold my breath. But let it out when I see that Louis house is very clean and neat.

"I uh, I cleaned the house yesterday too." He admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that." Feeling guilty for the second time today.

"Who said i did it for you?" He says.

"Oh, uh nobody i just thought since- You know- the car-" I stammer. I'm so stupid.

Not everything is about you Harry.

"I'm messing with you." He says with a laugh. "Of course I cleaned for you."


"Well here is my room." He says, motioning towards a door. He grabs the handle and opens it. His room is small and cozy. He has a white desk shoved against the wall so there is enough room for his bed. Which is probably a double with a fluffy white comforter. The ceiling of his room is lined with tiny fairy lights.

"Your room is a lot cuter than i expected." I admit while we walk in and he closes the door.

"Hey! My room is not cute. It is very manly." He protests.

"Mhmm sure, very manly." I say sarcastically. Making louis fake pout from across the room.


"Ok so i was thinking you could do this portion of the report and i'll do this part." He says pointing to different parts of the paper. But i'm not really listening. I'm too busy staring at the way his finger lightly grazes the paper. The thing that snaps me out of it isn't Louis's voice. It is in fact another part of my brain.

Count to 30 or else the house will burn down.

" 1, 2, 3..." I start counting. "28, 29, 30."

"You ok over there?" Louis asks after I've finished my compulsion.

I look up at him. I'm tired of keeping it a secret. I take a deep breath. I can do this, I trust Louis. I don't know why, I've only known him for 2 weeks. But I've done more things in those 2 weeks than in my whole life. And he deserves to know what's wrong with me.

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