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“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” - Dr. Seuss 


[ Louis's POV ]


“You can invite your friends over to carve pumpkins. While we are at church and the girl’s school Halloween party. If you want.” My mom tells me at breakfast. 



“Thank mom, I love you.” I say and get up to hug her. I pull out my phone and text the boys. 

L: Since we are all homies I made this group chat.

N: Please never say the word homie ever again.

Li: I may drown in my vomit 

H: It was pretty painful to read 

L: This Is bullying 

Li: Now that we went through the torture of reading that, what do you want Louis?

L: I was GONNA ask if you all wanted to come over and carve pumpkins. But you are all being mean so nevermind.

Li: You act like I don't have a car and know where everyone in this group chat lives. 

L: Fine I surrender. Liam, you go get Niall I’m coming to get you, Harry.

H: Ok


I decide to walk up and knock on Harry’s door because I know he hates it when I honk the horn. I stand there as he goes about his little door ritual. 

“Ready to go.” He says with a smile. I can tell his smile is real because his dimples pop out on his cheeks. 


When we get back luckily Liam and Niall haven’t gotten here yet. The house probably wouldn't be standing if they were left alone at my house. Me and Harry get out and walk to the house. I already have the four pumpkins set out. And all the knives and scoops ready. I hear a loud ruckus outside, doors slamming, music blasting, and yelling. 

“They are here.” I announce. 

“THANOS WAS THE GOOD GUY.” Niall comes in the house screaming. 



“WHY DIDN’T HE JUST DOUBLE THE RESOURCES? INSTEAD OF KILL HALF THE PLANET? SAME IDEA, LESS DEATH, AND DESTRUCTION.” Liam shouts back, throwing his keys and coat on the table. That sentence seems to shut Niall up and they finally face us.

“Are you quite finished?” I ask, tapping my foot on the ground. 

“We are.” They say in sync, snapping their heads and glaring at each other. 

“Let’s get started shall we?”

“Choose your next actions very carefully Niall. I’m either gonna carve a pumpkin or commit second-degree murder. I’ll decide in the next 20 minutes.” he growls. 


We have finished cutting off the tops and now we have to scoop out the insides. Harry does not look all that excited.

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