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I forgot to mention, I imagine Andy as Noah beck.


[ Harry's POV]

"You should really stop doing that" Louis says from across the table. Referring to my nail biting, which I had actually been pretty good at limiting. That was until the first day Louis sat with me at lunch. Now, I can't stop.

Louis and I had been sitting together at lunch for about a week. Filled with mostly silence and secret glances at each other.

"I don't do it on purpose." I say quietly. "Only when I'm nervous." Looking up at the boy across the table. Who has a smirk on his face.

"Do make you nervous?" He asks. I just nod slightly. His smirk turns into a giant smile. "Don't be nervous. I don't bite, most the time." He says with a wink. I just blush and look down at the table. After a few more minutes of silence he says. "Wanna play 20 questions?" 

"Sure." I say. I've never played but i've heard of it before.

"Ok I'll go first. How tall are you exactly?" He asks as his first question. Ok easy enough.

"5'9 " I answer. "What's your favorite color?"

"Forest green." He says looking me directly in the eyes. "What about you, what's your favorite color?"

"Um, probably blue. What's your favorite holiday?" I ask

"Hmm, I really like christmas. But I mean who doesn't." He says with a laugh. "What is your favorite song?"

"Perfect by Ed Sheeran. What about you?" Asking him the same question.

"Call me basic but probably Mr. brightside." He says putting his hands up. "What is your favorite book?"

"Wow thats a hard one, probably the boy in the striped pajamas." I say.

"NO! don't say those words I'll cry." He jokes fanning his eyes and laughing.

"What is your favorite candy?" I ask him after we had stopped laughing.

"Gummy bears all the way." He says confidently "Favorite quote?"

"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. By Marilyn Monroe." I answer. " Favorite drink?"

"Root beer I think." He answers. "What is your favorite t.v show?"

"Definitely family guy." I answer "What about you?"

"I love friends, What would name your daughter?" He asks. Breaking our pattern of asking each other what our favorite ____ is.

"I've always loved the name darcy." I say. "What's your favorite movie?"

"Shutter Island." He says.

"Never seen it." I admit.

"WHAT!?" He practially shouts. I just shrug my shoulders." Ok well now we HAVE to watch it together."

"I'd like that."

"OK ok, do you have any pets?"

"I have a cat." I say. Louis makes a disgusted face and shakes his head. "What?"

"Cats don't like me. The feeling is mutual." He says, Making me roll my eyes.

"Little dramatic i'd say. What pets do like you?"

"I have a dog at my grandmas house. thank you very much." He says sarcastically. "How many pillows do you sleep with at night?"

"Always 5." I answer "What is your favorite food?"

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