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L: We aren't doing gifts this year at Christmas

N: WHY?!?!

L: There are too many people now that everyone has a girlfriend.

Li: Except you

L: Yes Liam, thank you for that

Z: I agree with Louis

N: Is this because last year I gave Liam his phone submerged in pudding?

H: Do I even wanna know?

Li: I still hate you for that, I had to get a whole new phone.

Z: No Harry, you don't wanna know

L: Yes, that may also be an underlying cause.

N: You guys are no fun

L: No gifts. End of story. My house, December 19th. 5:30 p.m.

N: Sounds like a booty call

Z: How many booty calls have you been called to exactly Niall?

N: A lot, thank you very much

L: And Niall, please refrain from shoving Ice down Liam's pants again.

Li: My dick still isn't all the way thawed.

Z: Please just stop talking, nobody wants to hear about your dick Liam

Li: Debatable.


* 7 Day time jump *

[ Harry's POV ]


"HARRY WHY IS THE FIRE ALARM GOING OFF?" My mom shouts from upstairs. I pace around in a panic.

"NOTHING MOM! I HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL!" I shout back, watching the smoke filter out of the oven. Covering my face with my elbow and trying to fan it away, which just swirls it around more. I start coughing and have to go to a completely different room.

"I'M GOING TO BED! PLEASE DON'T BURN DOWN THE HOUSE. I WANT ONE TO WAKE UP IN TOMORROW MORNING!" My mom shouts again. I tell her I'll be careful and hear her door close.

I hold my breath and go back into the kitchen. Opening the oven and using an oven mitt to pull the gingerbread men out. Which are now just a bunch of charcoaled figures plastered to the cookie sheet. I wave the oven mitts around and eventually the smoke is mostly gone and the alarm turns off.

"Third time's the charm," I mutter to myself while scooping the leftover gingerbread dough onto the cookie sheet, for the third time.



Louis decided to have Christmas with all our friends the weekend before Christmas. Then he is having his family dinner on Christmas Eve. And I plan on inviting him over on Christmas day, which is in 5 days. This is the most social I have ever been. Which is exciting, and extremely nerve-racking. Because I already know what comes with that. But I try to shove it away so I can have a happy Christmas. The cookies I practically died making are sitting on my desk as I look through my closet.

I decide on a green sweater so I don't freeze my ass off.

It says Obsession.


I laugh to myself at the irony and put on a pair of jeans. Attempting to brush my hair out of the way. I grab the plate of cookies. I'm having Liam and Ashleigh pick me up. Since I know Louis is probably busy getting the party ready. I jog downstairs and hit the floor right when-

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Where stories live. Discover now