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"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you." - Unknown

"I'm not sure if the love that brought us together was worth the pain that tore us apart." - Unknown 

"My memories of you are like pirate treasure. Stolen. Buried. Cursed. " - Ranata Suzuki 

"Nothing makes you hurt like hurtin' who you love." Louis Tomlinson (Walls)



Meet me in the hallway - Harry Styles 

Don't let it break your heart (Piano edit) - Louis Tomlinson


[ Harry's POV ]


My mom has to take me to school on her way to go to work again. Louis is in English class but he only gives me a tiny smile and ignores me the rest of the class. I have math after that, I love math. Because everything has an answer. There are no open-ended questions or maybe's. It's either yes or no. I love puzzles for that same reason. There is only one way to put together a puzzle. And for the most part, they are pretty easy, 

Unless you're missing a piece. Then the puzzle is impossible to finish and remains forever undone. Until someone decides it's got to go, and throws all the pieces into a box. Shoving it somewhere never to be seen again. Until someone else finds the puzzle, realizes a peice is missing and does the exact same thing.


I am again dreading lunch. I'm just praying that maybe Kat grew some compassion overnight. And is not sitting in my spot. I sigh a huge breath of relief when I get a glimpse of the table. And Kat isn't there. But the breath turns into a sniffle when I also realize. 

Neither is Louis. 


After getting sympathetic glances from the librarian, I accept that he isn't coming. It is halfway through lunch after all. Maybe he got sick and went home. 

Maybe he ditched you
He doesn't like you anymore 
He's probably eating in the cafeteria like a normal person. 

I find out it is indeed the second option. When I walk past the lunchroom on the way to my locker. I see him sitting and laughing with Kat, Andy. I also notice the same two boys from the football game. I look down at the floor and focus on not stepping on any cracks so my mom survives the day.

The bell rings and the hallways are getting filled with kids. Like the scene from titanic with the water flooding down the corridor. I stop at my locker and put in my code.

Do the code. 

I finally open my locker and throw all my books inside. I close it and look over, only to have Louis's face right in mine. And he does not look very happy. 

"You told Liam and Niall I had a girlfriend?" Louis shouts at me. Putting his hands on my chest and shoving me. My back hits a locker. Sending a wave of pain through my spine. And a wave of painful memories through my brain.

He looks different, I can't put my finger on what. Until, even through his angry expression at shouting, I realize his eyes are darker. Which isn't alarming because Louis's eyes always change color. But his eyes are very dark, almost so blue they are black. I've never seen them this way before. 

"I-I didn't mean to!" I try to tell him, throwing my hands in the air in surrender. We have gathered a little crowd and people are chanting 'fight' 'fight' 'fight'.  He shakes his head and puts his face right up to mine. I try to inch away but there's a wall in my way

"Walk home." He hisses and storms off. Once the group disperses. I'm left standing there, in shock.


Walking home is a chore. Other than the fact that it is 50 degrees outside and I'm wearing short sleeves. (I'm shivering so bad I might accidentally walk into traffic). I also have to have get 3 footsteps in each sidewalk square. If I accidentally take any more or less steps. I have to walk back and do it again. And I have a 15-minute walk to my house in general. 


It ends up taking me 30 minutes to get home. By the time I get there, I have a stuffy nose, headache, and not a word from Louis. 

I need to stop making this so sad. Somebody stop me. Please. 

Someone take a wild geuss why his eyes are darker.

Also yes we are bringing in the cringey, cliche. "His eyes get darker when hes mad.' Which is horribly inaccurate and I have never actually seen it happen in real life. But it is needed later one so just hang in there.

Love you

- T xxxx

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