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“When you're committed, you do whatever it takes.” - Fabienne Fredrickson

“One stupid mistake can change everything.” - Unknown 



Somebody that I used to know - Goyte


[ Harry's POV ]

 I pinch myself, hoping I can wake myself up. Wake up from this horrible dream. Maybe I'll wake up still in Louis' arms, from the day we danced in the rain and played scrabble. But no matter how I pinch myself, I'm still laying in my pitch-black room. 

When I was little, my favorite song was “Somebody That I Used to Know.” In that song, one of the lyrics is that you can get addicted to a certain type of sadness. I thought that was the biggest load of bullshit as a kid. 

I realize now that it’s not 

There is a very certain type of sadness. Where you just go through life in a blur. You can’t feel happy, sad, angry, excited. You can’t feel anything. I’ve been feeling it for a while now, I’d say it all started when Louis started dating Kat a few weeks ago.

Because in the end it. It’s better to feel nothing than feel everything crushing you.


[ Louis POV ]

I get home, storm up to my room, slam my door, and throw my bag across the room.

Fucking idiot 
Had to go and mess everything up

“What in God's name is going on?’ I hear my mom shout. 

“Nothing, sorry mum.” I shout back. 


That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. 

I get up and start pacing around, talking to myself. 

“Ok let’s see, how can I fix this?”

You can’t 

“Yes, I can. I have to.” 

What are you gonna do?

“Whatever it takes.”


Love you

- T xxxx

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