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[ Louis's POV ]

"So what's wrong with your friend?" Lottie asks during dinner. Making everyone stop talking and turn their heads towards my end of the table.

"His name is harry and there is nothing wrong with him," I state with a monotone voice. 

"Well I asked daddy and he said people can't get sick from just a touch." Phoebe pipes in.

My dad looks up from his food, looking panicked. "Well- uh I mean- I'm sure there are certain circumstances -" He trails off. 

To save my dad from any more embarrassment I cut him off and say. "Harry thinks that he will get sick if someone touches him. And if one of us does touch him very bad things will happen."

"Like what?" Fizzy asks from across the table. God they are so obnoxious, can they not just have an answer? No, they just have to keep digging and grinding until they know everything.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I don't wanna find out. So we will all respect him and his boundaries." I tell them. We sit in silence for a good 10 minutes until Lottie decides to make one last comment. One comment to push me over the edge. Just like she always does.

"So he's an alien?" She asks.

"What did you just ask me?" I spit, I can feel the anger deep inside me bubbling to the surface. I try to calm down but it's no use. It's already here, now I'm just a ticking time bomb. Waiting to explode, like I always do.

"I said, he's an alien. Because he's gonna explode if you touch him. Which isn't normal and-" She rambles on about how Harry is weird and abnormal. Until I finally snap and stand up. Slamming my hands on the table.

"HARRY IS NOT ALIEN AND YOU WILL NEVER REFER TO HIM AS ONE AGAIN" I yell across the table. The entire family goes silent and stares at me. Oh boy, I haven't had an outburst in a while.

"Louis" My mom says quietly. Placing her fork and knife on the table and folding her hands in her lap. "Have you been taking your medication?"

"I'm going to my room." I say, shoving my chair aside and tossing my plate in the sink. Then storming off to my room and slamming the door. I'm not taking any stupid medication. Anyone would get mad if they had to sit and listen to someone talk badly about someone they care about. Right? I'm not crazy. Am I?


I'm walking down the hall to brush my teeth and go to bed when I hear muffled  cries coming from outside of Phoebe and Daisy's room. I quietly open the door so I can peak my head into their room. There daisy is, on her bottom bunk. Crying into her Minnie mouse pillow.

"Daisy, daisy what's wrong?" I ask, rushing over to her bedside. "Are you hurt?"

"I- I almost hurt harry." She says in between cries.

"What? Daisy what are you talking about?"

"Today, I almost touched him. And now- he probably hates me." She says with a voice crack.

"No no he doesn't hate you, Harry wouldn't ever  hate anyone." I say fully convinced. Not a hint of uncertainty in my voice.

"Are you sure?" She questions even further

I can tell she's not gonna believe me. Suddenly I get an idea and say "Wanna ask him?"

"What? What do you mean?" She asks, looking around the room and behind me.

"Look." I say pulling out my phone. "We will call him and you can ask him yourself."


[Harry's POV]

"Bye Louis!" I say waving to him as he drives away from my house. I almost tripped like 5 times getting out of the car because my legs felt like jello after our little 'thing' in the car. I've never had anyone do that to me. I felt nice, but deep down I know it was probably just a friend thing. Me and Louis are just friends. Friends put their hands on each other's thighs. 

"Mom, I'm home!" I shout to the house while open and closing the door 3 times, like I always do. 

"Hey honey." She says coming around the corner. "how was Louis's?"

"It was fun, he has 4 little sisters that i didn't know about." I tell her

"How cute." She says with a smile


"Night Harry."

"Night mom." I say to her one my way up the stairs to my room

Skip the 3rd and 7th step.

I go upstairs and go into my room. Just as I'm about to lay down and flip off the light, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and look at the number. It's Louis, calling me.

"Hello?" I say quietly into the phone

"Hi harry it's uh Louis"

"Yes Louis, I have a caller ID" I say with a smile.

"Oh yeah haha anyways. Um I  have someone here to talk to you"

"What? Louis? Who? I don't think I can-" I say, starting to panic, Who is he putting me on with the phone with. Just some random person? I didn't mentally prepare for this.

"Hi, Harry" A little voice says, interrupting me.

"Oh, Hi Daisy" I say, feeling relieved.

"Do you hate me Harry?" Her tiny voice comes through the speaker all shaky

"What? Daisy, what are you talking about? Are you ok?"  I ask.

"Well, I was wondering because-" She pauses to sniffle "I almost touched you today. And nobody is supposed to touch you."

"No of course- are you crying? Oh no oh god."

You just had to mess this up too didn't you.

"No daisy I don't hate you and I will never hate you. And when-"


"-Uh if I ever get better you'll be the first person I hug, ok?"

"Yeah, ok"


[ Louis's POV ]

"I wish I could just give Harry a big hug and tell him it's ok." Daisy whispers after we had hung up on Harry.  I was laying in the dark waiting for Daisy to fall asleep.

"Me too D, me too." I reply.


This chapter is SO SHORT. I'm so sorry. I also say that every chapter but oh well. I thought i should probably feed you guys. Also I feel like I'm using the same 3 words to describe harry.(freak, weirdo, alien, etc.) So if you have any other adjectives feel free to tell me.

Also I feel like Daisy is a little smart for her age but we will just pretend she is like very literate and smart for the sake of the plot. 

Love you

- T xxx

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