♡ NINE ♡

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[ Louis's POV ]

It's a Sunday, and me and Harry haven't talked since Friday. And I still feel bad. So I decided to text him, that'll probably be easier than talking to him.

L: Hi Harry

H: Hi Louis

L: Look I just wanted to say sorry again

H: It's ok it wasn't your fault

L: No, I should have known Zayn would hold grudges

H: Hold grudges from what exactly?

L: Me and Zayn had a... thing a few years ago. And you're the first person I've ever gotten close to since then. I'm sure he's just jealous

H: Jealous? He knows we are just friends right?

"Yeah I think I really like him Zayn. He's so cute and sweet and innocent." The words I told Zayn just days before ring through my ears.

L: Uh yeah obviously. But even if he was jealous. He had no right to treat you like that. I'll talk to him. I get if you never wanna see my friends again

H: No, Niall and Liam were really nice


"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE." I say. Shoving Zayn against the wall of his tiny apartment. He is renting it after his parents threw him out. I don't know how he can even afford it, he spends all his money on cigarettes.

"Woah chill out Lou-Lou."

"Call me that again and I'll choke you out." I threaten.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." He says with a smirk, a stupid smirk.

"Listen up, Cut the bullshit. I know what you did. I'm- I can't even believe-" I'm so angry I can't even form proper sentences. Everything is just coming out as a jumbled mess. My vision is getting all blurry and all I can hear is ringing. And all I can think of is Harry. Harry running out of the restaurant. Harry sitting on the park bench crying. Harry shouldn't cry. Harry is too wholesome to be hurt. Harry was so nervous to go get milkshakes. But I told him it would be fine and he would have fun. And I lied, I lied to Harry's face. And now he probably hates me. And it's all Zayn's fault. Zayn with his stupid smirk, and nicotine addiction.

My knuckles are turning white from grabbing Zayn's collar so tight. But I grab even tighter and press him harder on the wall. Before coming inches from his face and whispering. "So Zayn, this problem you have. It's all mindset right? Like you can quit smoking. You just won't. For attention. Right?" I spit the exact same words he told Harry right back in his face. Making his smirk disappear. His eyes turn dark and his jaw clenches up.

Me, being satisfied with his reaction let him go. He stumbles around before gaining his balance and rubbing his neck.

"I don't want to speak to you until you can learn some respect." I state sternly. I turn to leave, but then he makes one last comment. One comment to push me over the edge. We have been friends for almost 11 years, he should know not to do this. But maybe he wants this. He wants to see me lose it and have an outburst.

"One difference between me and Harry." He pauses "Is one of us belongs in a mental hospital, and one of us does not."

"What did you just say?"

"I didn't stutter, did I? Oh wait, there's another difference between us." He finishes it off. I can practically hear his smirk in his voice. He thinks this is a joke. Well it's not, and he realizes that when I turn around and charge towards him. And all I can think of is Harry. Especially when I punch Zayn right in the face. Making him groan and stumble back.

"I don't want his name to come out of your mouth ever again."

I know Harry would be really upset if he knew I got in a fight with Zayn. So I decided not to tell him. It's not like I'm lying to him. I'm just not telling him the full truth. Oh wait- well- I guess- it's fine. 


I was gonna add like the next chapter onto this one but I decide not to. Also Louis has mild anger issues if we can't tell. Which he refuses to take medication for. So that's,,, nice. Also I wrote this chapter at like 11:00 at night with a headache. So if it sucks that's why. If you wanna comment I love read them *wink wink* 

Love you

- T xxx

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