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[ Harry's POV ]

The first few days without Louis aren't unbearable, they are boring but we text all day and it's almost like i'm on the trip with him.

It's around Wednesday that it goes downhill, halfway through his trip. He can't text me as much, we don't get to facetime at night anymore because the time difference is getting to him. So I spend most of my days scrolling through my phone and watching tv.

The world seems duller without him, time moves slower, which sounds dramatic but it's how I feel.

But you know what they say

You truly don't know how much someone is affecting your life until they are gone. Luckily he isn't gone forever. Just for a short little week.

Friday Niall invites me over, I decline. I don't feel like partying right now. And not without Louis. As I'm laying in bed, kiwi sleeping at my feet. The doorbell rings. I can hear my mom go get it so I shrug it off. Until she opens my door and stands in the doorway. "There is a group of teenagers standing on my front porch. Asking for 'the kid.' Now we have three options. A. you have stolen a child and are harboring them in my household. B.These hooligans have the wrong house. Or C. The energized blondie standing on my porch rug is a friend of yours." I spring out of bed and open the blinds. Lo and behold the entire group is shuffling around on my front porch.

"They are friends." I say quickly, running down the stairs. I open the door and they all turn towards me. "Hey guys..."

"Hey, Harry Niall made us come check in on you because he says-"

"Nobody misses a Horan party." He interrupts Ashleigh, who just sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, sorry I just don't feel like going out." I rub my arm and scuffle around.

"That's okay we understand, we all miss Louis too. But he's back in two days!" Zayn says excitedly. The group agrees happily. I look back into my house and make a decision.

"Do you guys wanna come in?" I ask, I've never had anyone except Louis in my house. But I'm feeling desperately lonely. And these are my closest friends, I feel as though I owe it to them to be friendly.

"Sure!" Liam answers for all of them and we pack into my small house. I suggest we go up to my room and they agree. We walk upstairs and I skip my normal steps.

As I look back I realize every single one of them skips the steps too.

I smile to myself and lead them to my clean room. I sit cross cross on the bed and Alisa sits on the bed also. Everyone else sits on the floor. We chat for a while, I don't do much talking though. My mind is preoccupied, I truly cannot live without Louis can I?

"Can I tell you guys something?" I ask nervously, they all go silent and look at me.

"Of course." Zayn answers.

"I think I-'' I glance out the window and then back at my lap, I look up and make eye contact with every one of them individually. "I think I have a crush on Louis."

I wish I could have gotten their reaction on tape because every single one is priceless. The room explodes in excitement.

"10 BUCKS!" Niall stands up and shouts at Liam. He rolls his eyes and goes hunting through his wallet. Gigi gasps and covers her mouth with her hands in shock then turns towards Ashleigh. Who raises her eyebrows in a '"I told you so." sort of manner. Zayn sits and shakes his head while smiling as though he knew all along. And Alisa gets everyone to calm down. Once everyone has gathered themselves she turns towards me with a smile.

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