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“Forget how much it hurts and try again.” - Unknown 

“Afraid to love
Afraid to hold
All the stories untold

Why am I afraid
Of loving
Afraid of being broken
It's so easy to take my heart and throw it away
I will stay silent

The only sound you will hear
Is the shatter of my tear
The dropping of my heart
Like a display of art
So beautiful

Afraid to love
Afraid to hold
All these stories, I've never told”

- Elysa


[ Louis’s POV ] 

I don’t really want the boys to find out about me and Harry’s little...problem. 

“Hey mate, where is Harry?” Niall asks after school.

Harry forgot to tell them. 

“Yea, he's normally out by now.” Liam adds from the backseat.

I have two options.

Lie (never gets me anywhere good)


Tell the truth (high chance of getting murdered)

“He wasn’t at school today.” I state. I’m not telling a lie, I’m just leaving out some key details. Niall is too smart though. He narrows his eyes at me and purses his lips.  

“Do you know why?”


No, technically, he could just be sick. Or out of town, I mean he never answered the door. 

“Let’s go check on him.” Liam suggests before I can even tell them no. Niall is already rolling up the window and backing out. 

I better start counting my days. 


[ Harry’s POV ] 

“Harry?” Someone shouts from outside, again. God, can’t I just sulk in peace?

“Harry are you in there?” Another voice shouts, coming up and knocking on the door. 

Niall and Liam 

I sit still and leave all the lights off. I don’t wanna talk to them, to anyone for that matter. After a while of shouting and knocking they give up and go back to Niall’s truck. I go back to scrolling through my phone.


“So...” My mom awkwardly starts at dinner. Here we go.

“Me and Louis aren’t friends anymore.” I spill, just wanting to get it over with. She nods and pushes around her food.

“Care to share why?”

“I messed everything up.” I say, pushing away from the table. “I was too clingy and got the wrong idea about me and him. And then he said some pretty harsh things and now I don’t know how to face him.”

“How do you know that you got the wrong idea?”

“He told me.” I say, putting my plate in the sink.

“What if he was trying to send those messages but now he is too scared to face them?” She asks casually. Getting up and putting her plate in the sink. “Just something to think about.” She shrugs and walks off.



Double update :)

Love you

- T xxxx

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