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“It is never too late to make things right.” - R. K. Narayan

“Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn’t mean they are bad.” - Mahr.


[ Louis’s POV ] 

Harry and I’s exchange stays in the back of my mind all day. The look in his eyes, him in general, the little brown notebook in his hand. I would die to know what’s in that notebook. 

Once I drop Kat off at her house and do all my homework I lay down in bed. Seriously pondering life, life choices, where I have ruined my life, etc. When I glance over and do a double-take. 

A little butterfly is sitting on my window sill. Perfectly still, bright orange. 

That’s when I realize what I need to do. 

He deserves the truth, at the absolute least. 

But first, I need to do something else. 


“Hi, Louis.” Kat chirps through the phone. “Wanna come over and hang out?”

“No, we need to talk,” I say deadpan. 

“About…?” She trails off. 

“It’s over,” I state, smiling to myself. Which I really shouldn’t be, it would be horrible under normal circumstances. 

These aren’t normal circumstances.

“What’s over?” She plays dumb. 

“We are over.” 

“You know what this means don’t you?” She spits, doing a horrible job at masking her anger. 

“Yes.” I pause and smile even more. “Do it. I dare you.” And with that, I hang up on her. Practically jumping up and down. This is the biggest adrenaline rush I've had in a while. It quite literally feels like a 200-pound weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. With all this adrenaline comes another fabulous idea. I turn on my phone and dial in Harry’s number. Taking a deep breath and tapping the call button.  

It goes straight to voicemail. 


“Hi this is Harry, sorry I didn’t answer the phone- maybe my ringer is off- or maybe my phone died. Maybe I died. If so please wear blue to my funeral. It’s my favorite color. There’s this really specific shade of blue if you can find it… Anyways, you can leave a voicemail, if you want. Or you don’t have to, I mean it’s up to you. I’ll try and call you back, if I like you. Uh- that was a joke I swear. Anyways have a great day, or night whatever it is.” I listen to him ramble, completely unaware of the huge smile gathering on my face. 

I missed his voice. Which is the perfect balance of deep and raspy and so smooth and angelic. 

I hang up and dial again. 


It actually rings this time. Meaning he just ignoring me now.


“Hi, this is Harry, sorry I couldn’t get to the phone-


“Hi, this is Harry, sorry I couldn’t-”


“Hi, this is Harry-”



I groan and finally decide to just leave a voicemail and spill everything. Praying that he doesn’t delete it.

This is either gonna be the worst or best decision of my life. 

Only time will tell.  

I hope it’s not too late. 


I have really bad writers' block and so I'm sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger. 

Love you

- T xxxx 

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