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"To love means loving the unlovable." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

"Anyone can love a rose,  but it takes a lot to love a leaf." - Tom Flynn 


[ Louis's POV ]

"S'alright if you aren't comfy," I say after a few heart-wrenching minutes of watching Harry suffer. His nose keeps scrunching up and he is drumming his fingers over my hand. Muttering something under his breath, which I can't quite pick up. But when I listen really closely I realize Harry is counting.


I slink my hand out from under Harry's and his eyes fly open. They are filled with hurt and confusion.

"What are you doing?" He whines. "Put it back." He grabs my hand and shoves it back onto his face. He does seem as uncomfortable this time and he closes his eyes and relaxes.

"Well don't just bloody sit there." he demands, making me jump. 

Harry's skin is smooth and soft just like I thought it would be. I take my hand and run my thumb down his cheekbone. Making him squirm around.

"Sit bloody still then." I mock his tone from earlier. He huffs and settles down. I trace my finger all over his face, down his jawline, across the bridge of his nose. And then my hand guides itself back into his soft hair.


"Have you ever fallen in love Louis?" He asks out of the blue. Making my brain jumpstart. A thousand memories flash through my mind.  Yes, I have fallen in love. But is that the answer Harry wants to hear? I decide that it's probably best, to tell the truth and say.


"Where are they now?"

"We aren't in love anymore. I like someone else now." He sighs and shakes his head.

"What? What's wrong?"

"You only really fall in love once. You may be really really happy with other people. But you only truly fall in love with one person. Everything else is just artificial love. Because you only have two soulmates."


"Yeah, you have one soulmate. And they are your friend soulmate. You probably know them for a long time. And you guys are close. You can't imagine your life without them. And they probably changed your life. Maybe even saved it.

And then you have a romantic soulmate. They are the one who gives you butterflies. The person who you are afraid to talk to because every time you see them you get enveloped in a type of fear and adrenaline. Like the feeling you get when you go on a rollercoaster. They are the person you see yourself getting married to. They are the person that you come back to no matter what life throws at you.

And if you're really lucky." He pauses. "They are the same person."

"Do you think we are friend soulmates, Harry?"

"Do you?"

"I asked you first."

"Yes." He responds after thinking for a few minutes.

"Me too."


"Have you ever fallen in love Harry?" I return his question. And he laughs, he actually laughs at my question. But it's not a genuine laugh. It's one where you can tell how forced it is and how much pain is behind it. You can tell when Harry is faking a smile or laugh because his dimples don't come out.

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