40- The Hearing

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Written: 1/1/21

Published: 1/4/21

      Two days later, Y/n was looking around for any bodies of people she knew. She had some time before her, Levi, and Erwin would try and talk to Eren. She had a bandana around her mouth to block the germs emitting from the corpses. Y/n only took swift glances at the the few faces she could identify. Some of them were headless, some faces were covered in blood, others were partly gone. She didn't need to look long to see they weren't anyone she knew. Accompanying her, was the two-tone haired boy, Jean.

     They looked against a residential home's wall and they both gasped. They found someone they knew. Someone they both were extremely fond of. Limp and leaned against the wall, was probably the kindest and earnest person both of them ever knew. Marco Bott. He must've had a horrendous death. Half of his torso was missing and blood stained the ground around him. His eyes were empty as his arm lay on what's left of his chest. Y/n's eyes remained widened as she stared at the poor boy.

     "Is that... Marco?" Jean asked. Y/n slowly nodded.

     Oi! Jean! Sorry about him! Wow! Is this leather? I wonder where they get it considering the low number of livestock. Marco Bott, Jinae town, Wall Rose, South District, sir! To join the military police brigade and devote myself to the king! But why don't you ask Miss Y/n? She's called the strongest soldier I grew up in Jinae my whole life. It's peaceful there. Did you... live in the Underground? Glad I can be the first. Assistant Head Instructor Ackermann, would it be alright if I had seconds on the stew? Well, she can't be in here. We would've seen her. So let's go scour the bathroom again. Did that bear give you that huge cut on your cheek?! It's bleeding really bad! I think competition is necessary in the group to raise our skill levels... But I can't help thinking about the actual fighting. I'm the slowest one here, so I thought I should at least attract the titan's attention and let the others take them down from behind. Even though that's pointless in a test that measures the ability to kill, and though I've wanted to join the military police ever since I was a kid...

     Y/n covered her face with her hands. If only she had asked Erwin to stay for this mission... Maybe this wouldn't have... No. No use in regretting her actions. Marco...Is dead. That's the harsh and dreadful truth. She can't change the past no matter how much she wishes.

     "Soldier, trainee, do you know his name?" A woman asked.

     "I wasn't gonna look... but... I can't believe that happened...to him... Marco...what happened? S-Somebody... Anybody... see what happened to him?" Jean ignored the woman.

     "What's his name?" She asked again. "If you know, tell me right now." She said. "Two days have passed since the wall was plugged with the rock. But were still collecting bodies. At this rate, there's risk of a contagious disease. We have to prevent a secondary disaster. You can't mourn your comrades right now."

     Y/n glared at her. Give us a moment... However, she knew she was just doing her job.

     "104th cadet corps." Jean said. "leader of 19th squad...Marco Bott." The woman nodded in approval. She started to walk away, but Y/n held a hand out.

      "Wait, could I see who you have so far?" She asked. The woman said she didn't have much time but allowed the captain to scan the names. There were an abundance of random names Y/n didn't know. She then read Nac Tierce. Mina Carolina. Ruth D. Kline. Milleus Zerumski. Thomas Wagner. Franz Kefka. Ian Dietrich. Mitabi Jarnach. She sighed. That many, huh. Ian was a good man, too.

     Y/n stared blankly at the ground. Marco...

     The h/c haired female heard footsteps. She looked to see Miche running towards her. "Miche..." She muttered. She clenched her teeth and hands. She dug her head into a surprised Miche's chest. The male rubbed Y/n's head. Jean normally would've minded, but he understood it wasn't the time to be jealous or anything.

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