58- Pre-Battle

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Written: 2/28/21

Published: 4/11/21

(I need help with titles lol)

      "In other words..." Erwin spoke. "Eren's father, Grisha Jaeger... very well may be a human from outside the walls."

      Hanji nodded. "Yes, and he had the power of the titans, just like Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. But unlike those three... he wanted to help those inside the walls."

     "If he was so interested in the survey corps, it would've been nice if he'd helped us out a bit more."

      "I'm not sure..." Hanji replied. "Considering everything else he knew, it's possible Dr. Jaeger even knew the truth about the ideology passed down in the Reiss family. Perhaps he chose not to share that to keep the royal government from finding out about him. But the moment that Wall Maria was breached, he went straight to the Reiss family, the true leaders of the royal government and committed that act of madness. After getting behind the walls, he was probably investigating the royal government. In any case, he would have needed an incredible amount of resolve to do what he did. And it was this man who wanted to show his 10 year old son, who hoped to join the survey corps... the room in the basement of their house. A room that, with his dying breath, he said held everything. What do you think could be in there?"

     "No..." Erwin said. "Something that he couldn't say, even if he wanted to. In other words, the memories of the world that the first King Reiss erased from our minds. THat's what I'd like to think... but sitting here, speculating, there's no way for us to know. As of today, we are ready. The operation to retake Wall Maria will take place two days from now. So we want to know what's in that basement? Well, let's go see. Isn't that the survey corps' way?"

     Y/n smiled. "Of course it is." She said as everyone stood up to exit.

       "Could we at least have some red meat today, though?"

      "Yeah... we've got to show those kids from time to time that they can depend on us."

      The five were almost out the door. "What about Commander Shadis? He withheld vital information."

     "Leave him be." Hanji said. "He's not worth what little time we have."

      "Really, Hanji?" Y/n said. "You used to have the biggest crush on him." Y/n divulged to everyone with a snigger.

      "Shut your stupid mouth."

"Is that true, Hanji?!" Someone asked.

      Having distracted them, Y/n and Levi then closed the door by leaning on it. Hanji looked back confusedly before it shut. That left the two Ackermann captains and Erwin in the room.

     "What is it, you two?"

     "This may sound impatient..." Levi said. "But what are you going to do after retaking Wall Maria? I assume that coming up with a defense plan will be first, but... after that..?"

     "Eliminating threats." Erwin answered. "There seems to be someone out on the other side of the walls who's determined to see us eaten by titans. Our best shot of finding out who seems to be in that basement. So, as I said before, let's think about that after we get to that basement."

     Y/n rolled her eyes. "You realize we're asking you because we never know if you'll live that long, right? You aren't as mobile as usual. As you are....... You're titan food. And guess what? You're probably gonna divide your forces anyway so you'll be alone." She said, pointing a finger to her and her brother who stood glaring Erwin down with his arms crossed. "Imagine dying a lonely death." She scoffed.

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