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Published 11/20/20

After many deaths of soldiers and titan alike, the sun seemed to deem the day was over. This signaled the scouts to find somewhere to stay for the night and rest. They had come across some castle ruins or so. It was mostly made of stone and had frequent missing bricks or cracks. It seemed big enough to fit all of the scout regiment there. The long day was finally over. However, of course they would have to go through the same process tomorrow.

The four thugs took their horses to the little camp the scouts had set up for the horses. They had put buckets in front of the horses to drink.

    "Hey... Are we gonna be resting at this run-down joint?" Isabel said.

Farlan stretched. "Pretty sure no one's been here for at least a year. The walls look pretty battered down... Of course, if the titan's attacked, they'd be able to break down the walls with ease. But if we spend the night here, we should be okay."

    "Oh yeah, titan's can't move at night, huh?" Isabel asked.

Levi turned to her. "Even so, we don't know what's going on outside these walls. Don't let your guard down."

    Everyone nodded.

    "Okay guys. Let's stop being so serious and have a nice night tonight!" (Y/N) said.

They hiked from the stables to the castle. Most of the scouts were already there. It seemed they had lit torches and placed them everywhere. Some of the scouts were talking to each other, laying out blankets, and passing out dinner. The quartet had found a nice area for themselves in the corner. Farlan recklessly threw his bag onto the floor. He sank down to sit on top of his bag. (Y/N) pulled out a blanket before sitting down on that disgusting floor.

    "There we go. Man, I didn't think it would be that easy to bring down a titan." He said.

Levi was pulling a blanket out. "They move faster than I thought, but if it was just one, I could handle it." He commented.

    Farlan laughed. "Haha... Even against the titans the "Invincible Levi" still prevails.

    (Y/N) laughed. "Well, yeah. Big Bro is strong."

    "Yeah. If you two are with us, it looks like we'll manage it to get home somehow." Farlan said.

(Y/N) pondered at his words. But if something like a horde of abnormals came... I don't think any of us could take down all of them. Levi seemed to read her thoughts.

"If a large group of abnormals showed up, I'm not sure though..." He paused. The idle chatter of the other scouts resonated throughout the room. "Anyways, Farlan..." Farlan looked at him. "Do you really think that guy is carrying the documents with him?"

"Yeah, I'm sure of it." Farlan replied. "Before when (Y/N) and I snuck into Erwin's room, we searched all of the suspicious places inside of it and more. I didn't think it would be easy to find but, there were a ton of unrelated documents scattered everywhere. We found a drawer that opened with a key. It had secretive documents of course, but nothing that we needed."

"The fact that those documents are the only ones missing means that he's gotta be carrying them around with him, right?"

(Y/N) was proud of Isabel for figuring that out. "Yeah. He's probably brought it with him outside the walls."

    Farlan sighed. "There's no way is there?"

    (Y/N) cocked her head.

Isabel seemed to know what he was talking about. "If Erwin was trying to hide something form us outside the corps then old man Lobov would definitely found out somehow."

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