80- The Big Kick Off

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Written: 8/15-21/21
Published: 8/21/21


(This chapter and henceforth contains spoilers for AOT Season 4 Part 2. If you do not wish to read, that is fine of course. Just be aware that I will continue to be publishing content of further chapters/episodes. If you do not mind about reading further and have not read the manga, please know that I have tweaked a few things to keep some characters alive and is not original to the plot. Thank you for reading, enjoy or goodbye for now!)

Also, another important note. I wrote that Falco did not take in any of Zeke's spinal fluid, but scratch that. Falco now is a potential titan.

Please comment. :)







What the heck was that? It felt like everything froze. Ugh. I'm exhausted. I'm sweating. I'm uncomfortable. Everything hurts undeniably. I wonder if I died. Hope not. How is Levi? I hope he's okay. The last thing I remember was... Ah shoot, I remember. Levi guarded me as much as possible with his body before the explosion!! Where... Where is he?!?

The person tried to open their eyes. It was a considerably tiring feat, but it occurred slowly. It was bright and blurry. In front of her were a few large, unclear circles consisting of many shades of red, orange, and yellow. Two figures were on their knees in front of it holding something.

After a few moments, her focus had cleared. Hanji and Moblit were chopping wood in front of a roaring fire. It was dark outside and not much in sight. Hanji had noticed the movement and gasped.

"Y/n! You're awake!!" She voiced. She ran over to Y/n. The female captain was stiff due to having an abundance of stitches and bandages wrapped and sewn around her body. The scientist delicately hugged one of her best friends. By this moment, Moblit had noticed, too. He joined in on their embrace.

"We were so worried, Y/n!" The light haired brunette voiced concernedly.

"What happened? Where's Levi? Where's Zeke?"

"Well..." Hanji and Moblit started.

~~ Flashback ~~

Floch, Moblit, Hanji, and five Jaeger Faction members were riding towards their destination. It had begun to pour lakes of rain. They had just crossed a bridge with a river when they heard a echoing boom.

"What is that?" Floch wondered aloud.

"A lightning strike, maybe?" A soldier suggested.

Hanji and Moblit eyed each other and nodded faintly. They both knew the sounds of a thunder spear well. The location where Zeke is confined is supposed to be still further on... What on earth was going on over there?

"There must be something in the direction where the sound is coming from." Floch said. "Let's go."

What they found was horrifying. Two horses were charred and on the ground, dead. A little ways behind them was a hunk of coal black wood. A large titan was steaming behind it, as well, face down. Just the presence of it was haunting.

"What on earth!?"

"Be careful!"

"There's a titan there!"

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