52- An Unlikely Alliance

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Written: 1/28 & 30/21

Published: 3/7/21

(I'm surprised to have found a fanart photo with Dimo in it.)

     Eren awoke, sitting up in his bed. Bed? He realized. He looked around and saw a few of the 104th, Hanji, Moblit, Levi, and Y/n around him. They were all staring at him. Eren let out a surprised gasp at Y/n's gaze. The female captain handed him a towel which he used and wiped his face. "How much has passed since the experiments?"

     "A day." Hanji informed.

   Eren gaped. "I can't believe it." Eren muttered. "I slept for a whole day..?"

     "I'm glad you're back to normal." Hanji said. "Do you remember the experiments we ran?"

     "No." Eren answered. "I don't remember a single thing from the experiment. How did the 'hardening' go?"

      "Unfortunately, the results are second to none." Y/n told him.

      Hanji went into depth about the results of the experiments. Eren was clearly disappointed in himself. Levi chewed him out and basically told him to get it together. The group also decided they needed to figure out why the Reiss family is so important when it comes to the secret of the titans.

     Y/n stood up and stretched. They had been talking for at least an hour now. Add to the time they spent in the attic waiting for Eren to wake up. They were all as stiff as boards.

    "Guys, let's do something else for the time being. It'll give time for Eren to rest and it'll be interesting...maybe."

     "Alright." They replied. They all stood up. Eren also arose with the assistance of Mikasa. He pushed her away.

     "I'm fine." Eren told her.

     Mikasa seemed hesitant, but she allowed him to walk. She kept a close eye on him. The group went down the stairs. Y/n scouted the wood cabin. She searched for anything her and her squad could do to pass the time. Her face brightened when she found a deck of cards. She held it up while happily walking to the table. "Everyone! Let's play Egyptian Ratslap!" She suggested.

    "Eh?" Armin said.

     "What's that?" Connie and Jean asked.

     Y/n turned to Levi. "Levi, this time, would you mind not taking my hands off?"

     "Not my fault you're a loser." Levi replied curtly.

      Y/n sighed. After she explained the rules, everyone gathered around at the table. Y/n dealt the cards until they were all gone. They all held their cards face down in their hands. Y/n went first. The card on top was the 4 of spades.

      Y/n placed her top card. An ace of hearts. Jean, who was next, placed four cards down, praying for a royal. When there were no royals placed, he tched as Y/n grinned as she took the deck and placed it under her cards.. She then placed her top card down. It was a 5 of diamonds. Jean went again, a 6 of spades.  Connie then placed his top card down. It was a 6 of diamonds.

      Everyone smacked their hands on the card pile. A few of them winced and yelped as their hands were painfully smacked and smashed. The bottom hand was... Potato Girl. The girl cheered as she took the small pile of cards. She then put them under her deck. She then went and the circle went around a long time with hardly any royals. There were no sandwiches or doubles, which caused a large pile of cards in the center. The stakes were high.

      Levi set his card down. It was a joker. Y/n was next. Her eyes widened. Okay... Please be a royal to save us from giving Levi all these cards... She prayed. She slammed her card on the deck. It was another joker. The siblings, having insane reflexes, smashed their hands on the deck. Y/n yelped in pain.

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