8- Silly, Kid

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Published 11/20/20

     An auburn haired girl was walking through the streets like normal. She saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned to look at it. It was a small bird in a small nest all alone. The girl had always had a soft spot for animals. The poor bird probably wants to get to the surface! She thought. She took the poor bird into her arms. Don't worry. I'll get you to the surface! She thought. She saw the stairway and she knew well that it led to the surface. She weighed her options. It was difficult, bit in the end she decided to take a chance and walked towards the stand where you pay. Before she was spotted, she started to sprint up the staircase.

     "Hey!" Someone called. They caught up with the girl easily and grabbed the back of her shirt. "You have to pay to get up there you know that!?" He yelled.

     "Let me go!" She yelled back. Using her hand that was not holding the bird, she punched at air. "I'll bite you!"

     The man laughed at that until he felt a sharp pain through his hand and let out a yelp. He let go of the girl's shirt to caress his hand as if it would help the pain. With that, the girl took off. Three men including the man who was bitten pursued her. She knew where she could go. She ran towards the house where she saw the trio of a ravenette, a blondie, and a pretty girl enter.

The trio was sitting in a room with three other people. The three other people were receiving money from the thugs. However... one was getting extra.

     "You guys, be sure not to spend too much, even if it is an accident." Farlan said with a smirk on his face. "We're being watched." He handed a wad of money with an extra amount hidden in the bills to a certain person. This did not go unnoticed by the two siblings. The boy looked shocked and looked up at Farlan but received nothing but a smile in return.

      After the three left, Farlan spoke. "Jobs have been much easier since we've gotten our hands on the ODM gear. Everyone's share has increased too." He said.

"Some more than others." Levi said, which surprised (Y/N) since he was not being blunt as usual.

Farlan frowned and looked at the ground. "Jan's legs have gotten worse I'm sure you noticed... apparently lack of sunlight makes people's legs go bad."

"It happened to your mother right?" Levi asked, even though he knew the answer.

     "And the stairway toll has gone up. Those guys can do whatever they want to the price. Even if we do get enough money... we'll just be sent right back down." Farlan was looking at the ground. The room was quiet and the atmosphere was somber. Suddenly, they heard a thud on the door. (Y/N), Farlan, and Levi stood up. Farlan made his way to the door quietly and put his hand on the door, pausing to look at (Y/N). The siblings pulled out their knives they received from Kenny. She nodded and received a blink from Farlan in return. He swung the door open and a young auburn girl fell onto the ground supposedly leaning on the door. Farlan looked surprised.

"What? It's just a kid." (Y/N) said.

"That surprised me." Farlan said, putting a hand on his hip.

(Y/N) looked at Levi. He had a frown looking at the ground the girl was laying on. Heh... Please don't Levi... she thought.

"Not a kid..." She paused... "I'm not... a kid!" The auburn looked up at The two siblings.

       "Oh, that's funny, kid." Y/n commented.

     Levi looked down at her, unamused. "Is that so? I won't feel bad for kicking you out then. I'll let the fact that you dirtied the floor slide. Get out now." He said curtly.

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