56- Crowned

4.9K 226 199

Written: 2/27/21

Published: 3/30/21

(My mom said if I get 100k views on this story by the end of today, she'll give me $20 lol)

Y/n was on the top of the wall. The girl was tying a large amount of barrels with gunpowder inside together. The wind was blowing hard from their altitude on the wall. The wall that had restricted them for so many years. She looked down into the town of Orvud. She saw four kids. It was Farlan, Isabel, Sairam, and Flagon. Y/n's eyes widened. She let go of her rope, her knot coming loose, untied, and unraveling. She reached out towards them and blinked. The kids were actually just some random brats.

Y/n looked down in disappointment. She turned her attention back to tying the knots. The tough strands of rope rubbing against her hands. Once she finished the knot, she looked at her hands. Red from the material. Rubbing her hands, the female captain looked over to Eren.

"The kids in this town..." The brunette muttered. "They are just like we were on that day."

"Yeah..." Armin said. "If they think there's no way that a titan bigger than that wall is going to attack them today... then they're probably gonna see the exact same thing we saw on that day. But unlike that day, there are soldiers on top of the wall who can fight back. We're those soldiers. I mean, of course Y/n did fight for everyone back then, too."

Mikasa took some of the tied barrels. Hanji directed her to set them down on another layer of barrels. The jet black haired girl looked to her friend. He was just staring into nothingness. "Eren?"

Y/n walked up to him. "There's no time to be standing around." Y/n told. "Your hands need to be moving."

Eren suddenly raised his fist and nailed himself in the face. Armin and Mikasa looked at him in surprise. Armin asked if he was making an injury. Eren shook his head and continued to punch himself.

Y/n grabbed his hands. "Eren. That's not what I meant by your hands need to be moving. You better not be making a mark right now."

"No, Captain Y/n. That's not it. I just wanted to beat the absolute crap out of a useless pathetic brat... That's all. I hope I finished him off..."

Y/n eyed him closely. She could tell he was going through internal hate or the sort. She walked over to Erwin and Levi. The three observed the situation. The garrison was firing hundreds of cannon rounds at the titan directly below them. The steam had suddenly changed direction and obscured everything around them.

"We were too late." Erwin said as the big titan slammed his hands on the wall.

The titan's face emerged from the steam, revealing its features to Y/n for the first time. He had several holes in his face and missing parts. It looked like a cell but when learning it where part of it was opened up. The townspeople began running away from the wall.

"It's done for..." Lobov said. (Yes, there is another one) "The town I grew up in..."

Levi put a hand on his shoulder. "Get down there, Garrison. We'll take over from here."

Y/n took a nearby bucket of water and dumped it on herself. The cold water caused the girl to shiver. Her shirt and pants stuck tightly to her. Thank goodness she wore a black T-shirt today instead of her usual white. She then turned to her brother who was still dry.

Y/n took another bucket full of water and sloshed it onto him. He glared at her. She shrugged innocently. "Sorry, Big Bro. I just don't want you to get burned badly or to death!"

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