17- Proof

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Published 11/20/20

       The next day, the thugs and the other scouts alike were scheduled to learn some of the tactical training and formations that may be used on expeditions. It took place in a room that looked like a college classroom. It had a raised seating where the scouts in training sat. The class was taught by none other than Erwin Smith. A scout had pushed a board with a large paper sheet on top. It unraveled to reveal a formation created by Erwin himself. He had a long stick used to point to specific points.

      "This is the long distance scouting formation." He said. He looked around to see some confused looks from Isabel and some other scouts. "It's quite extensive." He pointed to a section of the formation. "The difference from the existing form is that each squad will be arranged into divisions. The main purpose is to enhance our outing ability. With soldiers spread out equally, there is a reliable range of vision in all directions. Our scouting ability and sphere of communication will be at its peak even as we advance."

      Farlan, Levi, and (Y/N) of course understood this quickly. Y/n slouched in her chair. Farlan laid back with his arms crossed and a small smile on his face. "Gotcha. So the advance guard serves as the eyes for the whole unit." He said, not really caring who heard it. He was just stating a fact that some of the others may not have understood.

     Erwin nodded. "By sharing the locations of the titans as a unit, we can avoid the possibility of direct contact as much as possible." He walked over to a nearby table and picked up an object that resembled a gun, but smaller. "Our primary method of communication will be to use these flare guns." He held up the gun for all to see. "Based on the color of the smoke round that is fired, we'll be able to properly convey the situation at hand. It will, of course, come with some exceptions. I believe the ones who will be using them the most are the front row scouting units. The unit that first catches sight of a titan first will fire a red flare. The units in the immediate vicinity that confirm the smoke color will then promptly set off a red flare signal of their own continuing in turn until the message is relayed to the center. When the signal reaches the center, the command unit will fire a green flare signal in the direction which they decide the entire unit should proceed."

     Farlan leaned forward a bit. "Ah. I get it. It's much faster than reporting by running around on horses."

     Erwin nodded again. "Furthermore, a black flare will be should be used in the event of an emergency."

Isabel raised her hand. "What kind of emergency?" She asked.

     "Like one of those abnormals we learned about. They have weird behavior that ranges from jumping, running, targeting certain locations, or targeting groups of people instead of a single person." (Y/N) explained. Then she realized she wasn't completely sure if that was the kind of emergency. "R-Right Sir?" She hesitantly asked.

     Erwin nodded.

The band of thugs had proven themselves to be smart, skilled, and consisted of outstanding teamwork. It was a good choice to have recruited them, even if it was under poor circumstances.

     Isabel awkwardly shuffled. "What are other two types of flares again?" She said, embarrassment visible on her face and in her words.

Erwin looked at (Y/N), signaling her to explain. She nodded and eluciadated.

    "Yellow flares means "mission failed" or "mission complete." They're gonna be used to show when objectives have been fulfilled. Purple flares are used to to announce an emergency, or when someone needs a pickup. If your horse is killed or if you are in the middle of titans, then you should use it. It's probably used as you are being eaten, as it alerts people to your demise. The purple flare can also be used to rally people to a certain area."

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