78- Tit for Tat

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Written: 8/ 8-9 /21

Published: 8/9/21


"Over one hundred soldiers, including Floch Forster, all concealed themselves along with the supervising officer in the prison. It appears that all of these soldiers commenced their defection at the same time as Eren's escape." Nile Dok informed. "It is certain that the assassination of the commander-in-chief was also their doing. We should call them the anti-survey corps destruction operations known as the 'Jaeger Faction'. And do we know the Jaeger Faction's goal, Hanji?"

       "It is likely their objective is to reunite Eren and Zeke and to purge those in the military who would oppose making Eren the leader." Hanji replied confidently. "Killing the commander-in-chief was a display of their strong resolution."

       "But how did these Jaeger Faction brats gather so many allies in such a short amount of time? If all these soldiers are following Eren, does it mean that they trust Zeke as well?"

       "They believe in Eren who believes in Zeke." Y/n replied. Given her rank, she had more than enough power to speak at things such as this. "More than anything, we, were too suspicious of Zeke to make any progress. If the Eldian people don't have a path forward without relying on the Jaeger brothers rumbling... Then the ones wasting time and endangering the lives of the Eldians is the military." She then shrugged nonchalantly. "At least that's what many soldiers have been thinking, surprise surprise."

        "That's correct." Hanji confirmed. "But what finally trigger the the recent events is the military devising a plan. To have another soldier inherit Eren's Founding Titan. This is their response. Who can blame them?"

         Big Bro... Y/n began to mutter, "Well, I can think of a-" Only to be elbowed by Hanji.

        "Because we knew what would happen if... we told you." Dok mentioned. "In my case, must of the Jaeger Faction are survey corps members."

       "How are you going to take responsibility, Commander Hanji?"

       "I'll take the punishment." The woman replied. "But other than me resigning from the military, I have no actions to take responsibility. Besides, we don't know how many members of the Jaeger Faction are still hiding in the military."

        "That's true, they may even be in front of my eyes. It wouldn't be surprising to see you all explode right now."

        "Rogue, don't say stupid things." Y/n sighed.

         "How can we prove that you won't blow up?" He challenged back at her. Y/n raised a brow. "Until we can prove that we can't just let you survey corps members go."

        "Stop that." An authoritative voice ordered. The doors opened to reveal the elderly Dot Pyxis. "We are in front of guests." He reminded, referring to Azumabito. "Instead of quarreling among peers, don't you have things to do first? Hanji. How many people know where Zeke is being held?"

       "Levi who is watching over Zeke and over thirty soldiers. Three who are in charge of supplies and communication. Captain Y/n who is supposed to depart there once this is cleared up somewhat. And then it's just me." She described.

        "Then bring those three people." Pyxis ordered. "Nile, is the queen's residence safe?"

       "Only a few people know. But I'll check one more time now." The said male replied.

        "Eren is likely searching for someone who knows where Zeke is being held." Pyxis announced. "He will also try to get a hold of Queen Historia, as she can be Zeke's substitute. For now we must completely safeguard these two places." He turned to Y/n, not to her surprise. "I understand I don't have to tell you what I mean for you, Captain Ackermann?"

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