35- A...Cook-off?

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Written: 12/18-20/20
Published: 12/20/20

Credits to Jhe Ma on Youtube because kissanime got taken down

This chapter will be focused on the AOT OVA 2, also called episode 3.25 . It will also be very long, sorry.

Small flashback

      In the city of Trost, a young male sat sitting on his bed. His pencil moving everywhere on his canvas. The determination on his face evident. A drop of sweat dropped on the canvas. The boy panicked and swiped the drop off. Unfortunately, the combination of the hand and moisture smeared his art. He gasped and tried to cover and blew on it. On that day, the boy remembered with fear... that he was subject to their dominance... and recalled the shame that the walls around him were a cage.

     The door swung open, revealing a heavyset woman holding a plate and a pan. The boy grabbed his blanket and hid himself and his paper. "How many times do I have to call you?! It's lunchtime!"

      The boy lifted the cloth to reveal his face. He glared at the woman. "Knock first, you old hag!" He yelled. "What'd you bring that in here for?"

     The woman flipped the food in the pan. "Even when I yell, you refuse to come down, so the omelet came up to tell you itself."

     The boy got out from under the blanket and he took his mother's arm and began to push her out of his room. "Just get out, you withered old witch!" He then slammed the door closed and clenched the paper in his hands. He opened it up, the crumple lines ruining the beautiful image of a (h/c) girl with (e/c) eyes. He came up with her himself and the picture was ruined... He angrily ripped the paper in half and in half and in half. "That stupid crone!" Walking to his window, he tightly gripped the edge. I will join the military police and achieve my goal! My goal of securing an easy, danger-free life behind the innermost wall... I will achieve that!

     Spurred by his dream, the boy left his home and survived the grueling military training. Humiliation after humiliation only served to fuel his fire. And for a special training program, the boy returned to the cage he'd once escaped from.

End of Flashback

     Some of the cadets and Y/n were walking through Trost for special training. They would be training for the anticipated attack on Trost. Commander Dot Pyxis would be there as well. Of course, Y/n would be there to overlook it. There were posters of a giant, infamous boar up for prize. The locals complained about how they were not able to hunt anymore because of the dangerous beast.

      "This is awesome!" Connie exclaimed. He was gripping his pack while looked around excitedly. "This is the first time I've been in one of the walled cities."

     "There will be lots of tasty food to eat!" Sasha dreamily said.

     "Hey, you lot." Jean called out. The two looked back at him." If you join the city guard, you can stay here as long as you like. I'll come visit you and see how you're doing when I'm in the military police." Jean let out a prideful laugh. The other two sighed and turned their attention to the town again.

     "Um...So where exactly is your home, Jean?" Y/n asked. "I saw on your application this is your home. It sure is nice."

     "If it's nice, maybe you should marry me and we can stay here!" Jean said. Everyone deadpanned.

     "Are you going to pop home?" Marco asked. "Thomas said he was planning to."

     "Your mom will be happy to see you." Armin mentioned.

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