66- Warriors

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Written: 5/29/21

Published: 5/29/21

(I apologize for the wait! I've had sports, finals, and other things happening so I had to write this today!)

"Let's go." Levi ordered.

"Okay." The others replied, excluding Y/n and Eren.

The group stood up and exited from the south door. The clattering of their shoes rang through the hallway. A few citizens glanced at the large group traveling together. Sasha was speaking to Connie until he nudged Jean about something trivial. Sasha turned her head. Everyone else was talking with someone apart from Levi. Sasha shrugged and walked in silence. The girl then realized.

"Hey, have you seen Eren and Y/n?"

"I think they went somewhere quick." Mikasa told. "They exited the room together. I'm not sure where they would be now."

"Well we have to find them before tomorrow." Hanji stated. "We're leaving tomorrow after all. We also can't return once we're off."

"She knows where we're staying, so it should be fine, right?" Connie asked.

"Chances are she has an eye on Eren, too. They would be fine." Armin added.

"Levi, I think it should be your call." Hanji told.

"..." Levi remained silent as he roamed his thoughts. Y/n alone with the Jaeger brat? Well, I've always been over her shoulder. I'll let her have fun in a foreign place. She and Eren will be back tomorrow. "Let's go."


"You guys want to join the military?"

Y/n nodded. Eren was beside her with a large hat to cover as much of his face. Y/n handed the soldier their papers. Thankfully, Y/n knew how to forge a variety of documents. "Here's our papers." On the document, Y/n had written that the two of them were Marleyean. They may get put into a suicide unit or so if they were written as Eldian. In addition, it gives them the chance to gain access to more information and positioning.

"Are you two sure? I hear the war has been getting pretty nasty. They even brought in the rotten blood titan warriors into it. A pretty Marleyean couple like you two should stay far from it. Let the tainted blood take care of it."

Y/n felt Eren tense beside her. "For the record," The captain said stiffly, attempting not to nail him in the face, "he is my cousin." And secondly, don't talk about my blood that way.

"Okay. Anyway, here are your uniforms." He said as he handed Y/n a bundle of clothes. "Based on your forms from your academy, I would put you in an elite squad, but that's not really my expertise. Go see Commander Theo Magath."

Y/n politely smiled and nodded. "S...Sir!" Boy did it feel weird to call someone else a higher status. The man nodded and the pair walked away. Y/n dragged Eren behind a building. Once they were out of earshot of others, Y/n frustratedly ruffled her hair. "Seriously! The laziness, informality, and inexperience of these people! Making us go straight to 'Commander Magath' with no form or reason?!"

Eren eyed her closely. It must be frustrating to suddenly transition from a highly respected captain to a rookie. "But he gave us a reason. To get assigned a place in the army." Eren replied in question.

"What I mean is that we have no backup. We can go to Magath with no proof we're new soldiers and he can kick us out of the military. Tch. Really, there's a lot wrong with this... But I'll let it go. Not my problem."

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