46- Hole in the Wall

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Written: 1/12/21

Published: 1/30/21

Pun in the title intended

      Eren sent the female titan flying. Y/n watched in awe. This was the first time she had seen Eren's titan power. He actually looked similar physically. More than she expected. The titan Eren roared as the female fell on a church, the building collapsing under the weight. The female looked down to see it had squished several wall worshippers. It was horrified at the high number of casualties in the one fall, but it stood up and began running away. Soldiers followed it.

     Y/n wheezed. She got a buttload of dust into her lungs. Someone appeared in sight. It was Jean. Of course it was. He, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were the only ones from the 104th in Wall Sina. All of the others were sent to Wall Rose. "Hey, are you alright, Captain Y/n?" He asked.

     Y/n nodded. "Yeah, let's go fight the titan!" She said.

     Jean nodded as he helped her up. Y/n grabbed her ODM devices and flew towards the fight. By now, the female titan was in a large clearing with no houses around. It was kind of like a track for horses to be trained.

     "Oh no... There aren't any buildings in there to anchor on!"

     "We have to go around..."

     "But if we do that, she'll get away!"

     Y/n spotted Eren running past the soldiers. He took in the situation and charged at the titan. Y/n landed beside Hanji. "He seems to be doing a good job of staying in control of himself this time."Hanji commented. "Let's trust him to buy us some time." She turned to other soldiers perched on different roofs. "Split into two groups! Do whatever it takes! Just secure the female titan!"

     Could it be? Everyone wondered. Has she really given up on Captain Y/n and Eren and decided to escape? But now she's on a one-on-one with Eren! And Y/n couldn't really defend herself at 100% in such a empty space... This should be Annie's last chance to capture the two!

     Eren chased Annie back into the town. Annie destroyed houses as she ran. Eren swung a punch at Annie, but she took her leg and sliced Eren's leg off. Eren jumped and went for another punch which Annie blocked. However, the force pushed Annie's hands on her face, which still hurt. Annie then kicked Eren in the face, pushing him against a house. She began punching the crap out of his face while screaming. Eren lay there, healing as Annie began running to the wall. From the tips of her fingers to her joints, were now hardened.

     Annie leaped into the air for a head start on the wall. She dug her hardened nails into the wall. Within seconds, she was already more than halfway up.

     "She's going to get away!" Armin cried. "We can't let her!" Mikasa started to go. "Mikasa, wait!" She halted. "There's no way you can catch up to her!"

     Hanji watched the situation. We have horses waiting on the other side, but a battle on level ground is practically impossible. What can we-

     Her thought process was interrupted by the shadow of Mikasa zooming past. Mikasa sliced above the joint where it wasn't hardened on the right hand. Annie's hand dropped. Titan Eren waited at the bottom of the wall while holding Armin and Y/n. Mikasa then gave the same treatment to Annie's left hand. Annie began to fall. Mikasa stepped on the bridge of her nose. "Annie." She whispered. "Fall."

     Mikasa then halted in the air with her ODM gear. The titan continued to fall as it looked aimlessly at the sky. Annie...what I did was wrong... I'm not asking you to forgive me after all that's happened... but there's one thing...just one thing... I want to ask of you. I don't care if you make the entire world your enemy. Even if every other creature alive comes to hate you... Your father will always be on your side. So please...promise me. That you'll come back!

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