
11.9K 478 442

Published 11/22/20

Farlan was in the mouth. The titan chomped down as soon as (Y/N) and Levi sliced the arm off that was holding their best friend. Farlan's leg stuck out of the titan's mouth as blood spread out in the air. Farlan's leg fell to the ground.

    Farlan... Was eaten by a titan?!

(Y/N) and Levi shot their wires into the titan. Levi went for the nape while (Y/N) would cut the stomach. Levi cut the nape and as much as he could, used the ODM to pull the titan to fall on it's back. (Y/N) sped up the titan, slicing open the stomach. Blood seeped out, some of it getting on her face in her haste. But who cared? She was desperate for... A hand emerged from the incision. She grabbed the forearm, and with all her might, pulled it from the titan. She quickly returned to the ground, laying Farlan down. He was already dead. From below his pelvis, there was nothing. Her legs buckled, causing her to fall on her knees. Levi stood in front her, four other titans were approaching them.

The two Ackermanns pulled out their blades. The remnants of Farlan behind them, they protectively stood as a barrier between him and the titans. One had reached for (Y/N). She dodged and shot her hooks into the forehead. She slammed her blades into the titans eyes. She took out new ones, cutting the nape. She did not stop there. Cutting everywhere and stopping to let the thing regenerate. Then she did it again. The girl finally killed that titan and saw the other. The other titan was conveniently positioned. First, was the legs. She gave each leg approximately eight slices. When they were seeping with blood, she finally cut them off. The titan fell to the ground with a loud thump. This alerted the scout regiment within the vicinity to come investigate the ruckus. Giving the same treatment to its arms, she noticed there was nowhere left to slice. Every part was red except the nape she had taken such care to avoid. The h/c haired girl finally killed it with one slice. As she was falling while on the back of a fallen titan, Levi killed another that reached for her. He then landed next to her. Another stood with it's eyes closed, it seemed Levi had stabbed his blades into them. He jumped onto its head.   

"Hey, b******. Do humans taste good to you? C'mon. Were they tasty? Answer me." He then finished off the titan after he sliced everywhere.

The command squad happened to see lots and lots of titan steam. They knew it was Flagon's squad. They also knew there would have had to be many titans to produce that amount of steam. So, they rushed over.

(Y/N) and Levi stepped down from the titan. They looked down, there was not anything else worth looking at. Just the depressing ground and... Isabel's head. It lay at (Y/N)'s feet. Blood seeped from her open neck. (Y/N) and Levi froze in their spot. Isabel's eyes were open wide, dimly looking straight ahead. Y/n felt sick to her stomach. It was hard to breathe. She bowed down to her friend. She closed Isabel's eyes and turned her head so she would be looking at the sky, like she always was. (Y/N) then made her way to Farlan. She set his half body on her knees, supporting his head with her hands. She put her forehead to his. She granted her dead friend's extremely possible wish, and kissed him. (Y/N) sniffled.

    "I'm sorry..." She whispered in his ear.

    "Hey! Are there any survivors?" Someone called.

    (Y/N) and Levi looked up to see the newcomers. It was Erwin's squad.

Erwin jumped from his horse. "(Y/N)! Levi! Are you two the only ones to make it out alive?" No answer from either. They were hunched over. (Y/N) had her back to him as well as Levi.  Y/n clenched her fists in frustration. "Did you kill them all by yourselves—" He was not able to finish. (Y/N) swiftly stood up and charged at Erwin the blond squad leader. She grabbed him by his neck and flipped him to the ground.

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