69- In Her Stead

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Written: 6/14 & 15/21

Published: 6/16/21

      "Once Attack On Titan is over, and I successfully hurt everyone, I dream of opening a spa, with the tears and sweat of my readers."

-Isayama Sensei

(I feel like I would be related to him for this.)

A loud whirring was heard. Y/n looked at the wall and a long nozzle was aimed at them. "Crap!" She exclaimed. "Start running down to the bunker!" Y/n ordered frantically. Colt darted down the hill with his little brother desperately clinging to his neck. The shots were being targeted at them. They must have seen the special armbands! Y/n deduced. She dove away and began running closer to the wall.

Y/n kneeled below the hole where the machine gun was. The sound was ear-shattering. She quickly took her Marley throwing knife in her hand. Swiftly standing up, Y/n forcefully flicked her wrist, sending the knife flying into the opening. After a second, the shooting stopped and the nozzle dropped.

Y/n instantly was on her feet, catching up with Colt. A few shots here and there were fired at the fleeing trio. Other soldiers were also running away from the fort. Y/n saw one yelp as he fell to the ground. She felt pangs of anger inside. Despite their actions, neither of the Ackermann siblings really enjoyed suffering. In fact, they were sick of it. Pointless casualties all for the sake of a country. It was disgusting. Vile. Selfish. Cruel.

The three were closing in on the bunker tunnels. It was nearly invisible to the eye to see that the ground dropped into a war trench. Y/n only knew because she remembered the estimated distance between the fort and the others. Y/n dropped low. The hill was extremely steep and rocky. The female captain slid on the ground kicking dirt up in her face. Colt imitated her actions. She attempted to spit out as much as possible. Colt and Y/n stumbled into the filthy trenches. Colt grunted as he fell on his butt and Falco collapsed onto him. Y/n groaned as she face planted into the dirt. She visibly shuddered.

"Falco!" The war candidates exclaimed. "He's alive!" They exclaimed relievedly as she surrounded Y/n, Colt, and the blond candidate.

"Show me your wounds!" Gabi told.

"Church, help them tend to Grice." Magath ordered. Y/n nodded and immediately searched for her medical pack. "Colt, situation report!"

"The front company took a direct hit from heavy artillery and was blown to bits!" Colt exclaimed while panting. Y/n grabbed under Falco's arms and assisted him against the wall. Colt continued his summary. "For the trenches, it's impossible to dig any further! We need to stop it!"

Magath furrowed his brows. "Impossible?" He suspiciously reiterated. "Is that an order, boy?" He threateningly challenged. His glare seemed to say, 'Try it. I dare you.' It gave Colt chills up his spine. "An Eldian, giving me orders?"

"Watch your tongue when talking to General Magath, filthy Eldian!" An older soldier exclaimed in fury.

"But sir, at this rate..." Colt muttered. He continued talking to the wily general, but Y/n turned away and stopped eavesdropping. Their banter was of no interest to her. Especially since she had bigger issues to worry about and pay attention to.

Y/n finally pulled out some items from her medic pack. The items included medical alcohol, a few rags, a bowl, and other medicine. She handed the rag and alcohol bottle to Zofia. "Dab that lightly on his head." The unemotional girl immediately began the task by pouring it on the rag. The Paradis inhabitant turned to Udo and Gabi. "Get some water and fill the bowl." The pair nodded. Y/n kneeled in front of Falco. He, who was looking at her dazily, muttered some incoherent words. "Falco." Y/n spoke. Falco strangely did not seem to hear her. She lightly patted his cheek. "Falco Grice."

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