59- Foray in Shiganshina

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Written: 3/1/21

Published: 4/17/21

Eren transformed into his titan. The same bright light shone everywhere. The big giant landed in front of the gate and began hardening and covering the gate. The icy-looking substance spread through the hole like in the cave. When it was successfully covered, Eren ripped himself out of the titan body.

Y/n jumped down and wrapped her arm around his side. Eren embarrassedly flinched and quietly gasped. She then reeled herself back onto the wall. Eren panted.

"Any enemies?" Hanji asked.

"None visible!"

"Keep your eyes open!"

"What about the hole?"

"It worked! It's sealed tight!"

Everyone cheered for the first half of the mission completed. Hanji smiled. "We did it. What about your ODM equipment?" Hanji asked. Eren tapped it with his knuckles. "It's fine. But it took my cloak with it."

Y/n unbuttoned her cloak and handed it to Eren. He shook his head. "They want you as much as they want me." Perhaps even more... "You should keep it."

Mikasa draped her cloak over the brunette. "He's right, Captain Y/n."

"Thanks." Eren said.

Y/n shrugged as she put the cloak back on. "Can you still do the other gate?" She asked while pulling the comfy hood up. Eren nodded. "Then we're heading to the inner gate." She began leading the soldiers to the other gate. "Keep your faces hidden so you're not attacked as you move!" She yelled.

"Did I really close the hole?" Eren asked as they ran.

"You did." Mikasa replied.

"That easily?"

"You can trust yourself."

"The hole from that day..."

"Not yet." Levi spoke. " As long as they are alive, they'll keep breaking through that wall. Understand that? Until we kill all of our enemies, including Reiner and Bertholdt... the plan to retake Wall Maria isn't over."

"Of course..." Eren replied. "I know that."

The soldiers continued to run towards the gate that opened into the area inside Wall Maria. That was also where Erwin and Armin were. Erwin had put his trust in Armin and his abilities to locate Reiner and Bertholdt. They decided to continue the operation despite the missing of the two dangerous people.

Y/n suddenly heard a loud ringing noise. She held her ears as she looked to the origin. Armin and other soldiers were on the wall. She assumed he found something. A minute or two after, a red flare was sent in the air.

"Is that the signal to halt the operation?" Eren asked.

"Everyone, spread out on top of the wall and wait for further orders!" Hanji yelled.

They all changed their destination and wired onto the top of the wall. They stood patiently, just a few feet from the gate. Y/n looked down on the wall. People were lowering down, tapping the wall with their swords.

"Armin..." Eren murmured. "Did you realize something again?"

Y/n figured it out. "I got it! They're looking for those two inside the walls." People looked at her in question. She held a finger up. "Remember? There was that titan inside the wall. We never even knew you could go inside the walls. The enemy probably knows more about them than us. They could totally hide inside."

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