1-The Underground

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Published 11/19/20

Due to the existence of the titans, humanity was driven to secure the last of their territory by putting up three large walls around them. In order from the outermost to the innermost, they are Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. The capital city is nestled in the very heart of those walls, furthest away from danger. It is the source of all human development, from politics to economics. Along the outskirts of the capital city stand extravagant places. The people who live there are promised rich, affluent lives. However, even in such a brilliant city, there are also- no... It is because of that brilliance that dark and dull places also exist.The town areas surrounding the capital... and the residential cities in the underground that stretch for miles and miles. The Underground. According to old historical documents, there was a period of time when, in order to escape the titans, the idea of living underground was considered. However, immigration was suspended, and the abandoned buildings left behind became hideouts for the homeless and criminals. Before long, the monarchy had cast aside these underground slums. It has come to the point where even the Military Police hesitate to go down there. It's not rare for those who are born and raised here to rot away without even seeing the surface once.

(Y/N) Ackermann. The younger sister of Levi Ackermann, both later to be known as Humanity's strongest. An impulsive, forgiving, boyish girl who always has to be under surveillance of her older brother. She loves her brother and mother with all her heart. She does not know what she would do if one would die. It would be a nightmare. Misery. Horrid. Little does she know, that horrid, miserable nightmare would become reality shortly.

Y/n, who was five years old, sat outside the house. Also called a hovel. She gazed at the ceiling of the Underground. Water dripped and fell to the filthy streets of the crime-ridden city. The cold night breeze blew on her skin, giving her the chills. Or was it the day breeze? No one ever knew in her hometown.

What is it like on the surface? I wonder what the warm sun feels like. Ha. I want to go up there with Levi. Meet everyone up there. I bet those on the surface are much kinder and safer than those down here. Maybe there are kids I can play with... Why was I born here? I want to leave this retched place. What is it like in the real world?

The young girl didn't hear her older brother walking up to her.

"Aren't you cold?" His voice said, startling her. "My bad...You should go inside. It's almost that dangerous time of the day. Don't want to be taken, do you? Also..." He paused to look down at his sister, "What are you doing? Stargazing with no stars?"

Y/n rolled her eyes as she felt his gaze looking at her from behind. "Those Military Police. They have that strange gear on them everywhere they go. I wonder what it would be like to have those..." Her eyes lingering to a group of MP's standing and talking to each other.

"Fun." He replied bluntly. "Probably."

"That's it?" (Y/N) wouldn't deny she was disappointed by his lack of answer.

Levi glanced at her and then his eyes darted back to the military police standing afar. "Our lives are clearly worse than them and they just stand there like nothing is wrong. Couldn't they be doing something more useful with their time?" He huffed a little.

"I wholeheartedly agree." She replied, giving a thumbs up. A small hand came down on her head and ruffled her hair. "Hey, don't mess my hair up." Levi shrugged carelessly.

She got up from where she was sitting and took Levi's small hand. She half led, half dragged him through the doorway and sat down while their mother, Kuchel Ackermann, set down her children's' favorite meals... even if it wasn't much. Many would even call it trash or tripe. But they had to survive. Even small fodder like them could have their opinions. The girl signaled to Levi using her eyes that they would talk later that night.

He nodded, wearing his stoic face, hoping their mother wouldn't catch these gestures. It had been planned.

     "Y/n, would you mind helping me with the dishes?" Their mother requested.

     "No problem."

     "Levi, would you go get some food?"

     Levi nodded as he exited. As he was walking away from the 'house', he clenched his fists. I'll take that as I can beat them up.

     Y/n scrubbed the extremely dirty dishes with her hands. She shuddered. "Mom, what is it like outside?"

     "Well, you've seen it."

     Y/n shook her head. "Not that outside. I mean..." She pointed her index finger to the ceiling. "That outside."

     The older woman sadly smiled at her child. "I'm not sure. You'll have to ask your uncle." She said. "If you ever meet him..." She had muttered the last part.

Y/n glanced confusedly at her mother. "Hm?"

Kuchel grinned at her daughter. "It's nothing." She unconsciously frowned, then quickly smiled to mask it. "Mama has to go to work... Stay here, alright?"

"Heh?" Y/n mumbled. "Where? Can I come?"

Kuchel knelt down and took Y/n's shoulders. She tilted her head sideways a smidge and chortled. "No, I don't want you to ever live a life like me. Go up to the surface and live a life with the one."

Y/n pouted. "A life like you? The one? What are you talking about?"

"You'll understand when you're older."

      The very tender h/c haired girl scrunched her mouth with a little annoyance. "I hate it when you say that..."


(Y/N) and her mother were sitting at a table. Kuchel was teaching her daughter some aspects of medical care. She showed her many materials and taught her how to use them. The door opened, revealing Levi was was looking down.

"Ah! Big Bro!" (Y/N) exclaimed. She paused when she felt something was wrong. Her and her mother got up and walked over to him.

Kuchel lifted up his chin. His face had several bruises and cuts. The two also noticed he was leaning on one leg. She took his pants and lifted them up to reveal a horrible wound. It was as if someone stabbed him there. Just to see if there was anything else, she took off his jacket. His arms seemed fine, except his red knuckles.

"Levi, what happened?" The girls synchronized.

Levi shuffled. "I got hit by those soldiers. I hit back a few times, but that made it worse..." He mumbled the last part.

"You're so strong, Levi." Kuchel said.

The females led Levi to a stool. Kuchel allowed (Y/N) to patch him up since she had just been taught this content. She cleaned his wounds, and bandages them. "You'll feel a few aches, but you should be fine." (Y/N) said. She tried to make her voice sound professional, making her mother chuckle.

Levi pulled a small smile. "Thanks."

Kuchel beamed at her daughter. "I'm very proud of you, Y/n! I'm sure you'll grow up to be a wonderful person! I hope you'll still remember me!" She happily said as she hugged her two beloved children.

"Of course I will!" Y/n chirped.

"Who could forget the one who raised them and brought them into this world?" Levi asked.

This chapter was really bad now that I look at it from a few months later.

Edit: I'm constantly adding to this chapter and the next to make it better and unique. Tips are appreciated!

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