5- The Newcomer's Test

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Published 11/20/20

As the years progressed, (Y/N) and Levi became more fast, strong, intelligent, and many other things. However, as some things change, many things stayed the same. Such as Levi being short for a boy his age. (Y/N) has reached his height. Y/n also had cut Levi's hair into an undercut. He was first opposed to it, but then he was quite fond of the cut. It definitely beat his long hair. Together, they both made quite an infamous name for themselves in the Underground. Many people knew about them these days. How could they not? Two siblings fighting the world. In fact, countless residents of the Underground had so highly respected the pair that they became their underlings. When they exited their hideout, walked through the streets, entered a restaurant, people would part the sea for them.

     It had been nine years since their mother passed. Fourteen years of living in the dark pits of the dreadful Underground. Ever since that day, the two had not seen Kenny anywhere around. Not once.

The two Ackermanns were walking down a seemingly abandoned alleyway. Similar to the one Levi had mauled that one man in. Four men came out from the shadows and crossed their arms. They stood in front of the two siblings, blocking their path. The one that seemed to be the leader of group puffed out his chest and had a prideful smirk.

"Yo, you're Levi and Y/n, aren't ya? Dunno what brings you here. But this here is our turf, got it?" He said.

Y/n and Levi observed their surroundings with nothing but their eyes. Not moving a muscle as to not alarm the people who were behind them.

The leader turned to Levi. "Let's see, ya want us to kill you after you hand over your money and maybe that girl beside you? Or should we kill you first and then take em' from you?"

Levi glared at them. "Freaking disgusting..."

      "No objections to that statement." Y/n scoffed while crossing her arms defiantly.

The man was flustered then. "What was that? The heck are ya' talkin' about...did ya forget ya live in the dumps?!" The man took a swing towards Levi. He dodged but before anything else happened, everyone heard a shout.

"Hey, over here!" It said.

The two siblings looked up to where the call had come from.  It was a handsome and very young man with ash blond hair and light gray eyes. His hair was swept a bit outwards with some of it clumping in the middle between his eyes. He threw a rope over the broken down one-story building he was positioned on top of.

"Grab hold!" He said. The two grabbed hold as they climbed up and ran to somewhere safe. The stranger before them started laughing. "Yo. You're Levi and (Y/N), right?" He smiled, "I heard you guys are strong and all, but it would've been tough for even you to handle all those guys at once."

Y/n kept her eyes fixated on him, "Thanks for helping us out."

This earned another laugh from the ash blond who had a hand on his hip. "Don't mention it! Although, I have to admit...I totally get how they must've felt. Y'know, wanting to check out just how strong you are." He smirked. Then four people appeared from nearby huts and roofs. Each of them wearing a face that made them look intimidating.

"It's a crying shame, but... I'm also one of em'." He said. There was not really any signs of regret of anything in his tone.

His plan... was a complete fail from the start.

A man had gone after Levi but Levi evaded and punched the man in the stomach. The man sunk to his knees, head on the ground, clutching his stomach. While this happened, a different man went after Y/n. She swiftly evaded a punch and kicked the man, sending him flying towards a wall. His head hit a brick wall, knocking him unconscious. As (Y/N) watched him sink to the ground, she heard a guy sneak up on her. He tried put her into a headlock. However, she ducked and head butted him in the stomach. Just as the man sank to the ground, Levi had kicked the last person in the head. (Y/N) looked up to see the boy watching the scene play out in front of him. If I can get these guys to team up with me... The boy thought. I have to make them join me. No matter what it takes.

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