67- Vain

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Written: 6/2/21

Published: 6/4/21

(Sorry I have been very busy. My sport is taking a lot out of me.)

Also I'll figure out a better title soon

Y/n was in a room. It was either an office or meeting room, maybe both. Looking to the left, a few kids were there standing around. The captain recognized all of the five except one. The four were Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and Porco. The unfamiliar one looked similar to Porco. Y/n assumed he was the other's brother. Porco slammed his hand on the wall at an attempt to intimidate Reiner.

"Something is not right!" He yelled. "Why would they choose a loser like you?! What kinda strings did you pull?!"

Y/n attempted to move towards them, but she could not. Some foreign force prevented her from moving or speaking as always. Is this another memory? This is way too specific for me to even think about. But why? I'm probably the only one who sees these memories. Is it for a special reason, I wonder?

"Seems like you were the loser, not me." Reiner sneered in return. "Pokko."

Porco raised his fist. "Why you!!"

The male's brother held his arm in place. "Pokko. Are you opposing the decision made by the army itself?"


Reiner was released as he readjusted his collar awkwardly. The male accompanied his brother, who was in tears, away. He had his hand comfortingly on his shoulder. He turned back quickly. "I'm sorry, Reiner."

Y/n tried to walk towards Porco. He seemed awfully frustrated and defeated. If I'm right about what this is, Reiner was chosen for a warrior. He was supposedly had the least chance to become one. So why was he chosen over a devoted, strong, smart person like Porco? Ah. His brother seems to care for him a lot and he apologized to Reiner. He seems nice. I know what happened.

The room shifted. Y/n felt like she was falling. She landed on a bed. Rubbing her head, Y/n sat up. On the floor, was a boy. He had his legs pulled up and his head in his hands. Y/n heard a sniffle.

"I don't want to become a warrior..." The boy whispered. His words were laced with fear and hopelessness. "But if I don't... All of my family will be sent to paradise..!" Y/n's mouth straightened into a thin line. "Why did my uncle have to be a restorationist? A leader for it at that!" Quiet sobs and groans of agony were voiced by the boy. "Fine..! I'll do it. For them. I don't have any other choice! To protect them, I have to."

Y/n's eyes widened a smidge. This is not Reiner, Porco, or Zeke. This is Colt! His uncle must have been comrades with Dr. Jaeger, right?

Y/n was suddenly shaken awake. Her hands almost nailed the person in the face, but she held back. The young boy's cute golden eyes were peering down at her innocently.

"Y/n, we have to get up." Falco whispered.

She nodded. "Alright. I'll be right there." The boy nodded in reply and got out of her face. The soldier heard the door lightly close. She sighed as she swung herself out of bed and began to get ready. She grabbed a certain necklace and clipped it around her neck.

Maybe once we figure all this enemy stuff out, we'll be able to sleep in for once. Won't that be the day. If Levi stops drinking tea for one second maybe he can get a wink of sleep.

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