26- Jaeger!

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Published 11/22/20

(Emono wo hofuru... Jaeger! Ok sorry moving on.)

     Months went by and the two siblings had to be assigned to different squads a number of times. Levi ensured they wouldn't be separated, especially after what happened with Isabel, Farlan, Sairam, and Flagon. They had been through many expeditions, which also meant many deaths. But they did not have close relationships with those that had fallen in that time. (Y/N) and Levi found is astonishing that Hanji hadn't died yet, based on how she is. However, Moblit was always there to make sure she didn't get herself into too much trouble. Then again, he could not always stop Levi from beating her up from time to time.

Just as children, the two Ackermann siblings made a name for themselves in the new environment. People knew their names far and wide, and not just criminals. Although it was a relief they were too valuable to be knocked back into the Underground, it was a pain. Fame was one annoying potion.

     The survey corps were coming in through the Shiganshina district from an expedition. Many had died this time. Many people had come to see the scouts enter. Everyone knew when they left or arrived because the loud bell rung. No one could miss that loud bell. She saw Shadis was stopped by a beautiful woman holding the hand of a younger brunette. He looked about eleven-years old. Shadis told the scouts to go on without him. (Y/N) left her horse with Levi. She used her ODM gear to crashed on the roof of a house to eavesdrop. She scraped her hand a bit on the hard roof, causing it to bleed slightly. She just held her hand tightly with her other one. It usually was not permitted to use gear in districts, however being a former thug, the soldier could care less.

"Carla, this child..." Shadis asked.

"Carla" smiled. "He's Eren... my son. The news must not have reached you after all."

     "No, I was busy. I'm sorry..." Shadis replied. (Y/N) let out a quiet gasp. Wow. Shadis apologized? This must be an amazing woman.

"My husband was worried too. Mister Keith. Will you keep doing this until you die?"

"Mom, Armin's waiting for me right now..." Eren told.

"Okay. Go run along, then." Carla told. "You don't want to keep him waiting. It's rude."

Eren nodded as he squeezed through the crowd and ran off.

     Shadis was shocked at Carla's previous words. (Y/N) prepared herself for some yelling. "Do you know why average men can live out their lives and die without accomplishing anything?" Shadis took a step closer to Carla. Eren had stepped back with a bit of fright. Carla squeezed his hand to assure everything was alright. "First off, because they lack imagination. They never find anything more valuable than their own lives. So they live and die, shamelessly creating nothing. Great deeds can never be accomplished by those on the level of ordinary men. In fact, I doubt those scraps of flesh would understand what makes a deed great. Certainly a worthless individual who spends her life pouring drinks and cozying up to every man she sees would never understand!" Carla and Eren were now looking up at Shadis in shock. "Not ever." Silence ran throughout the streets. Many people in the crowd had overheard Shadis. After all, how could they not? He was yelling all the time. (Y/N) was about to step in or leave.

     To Y/n's surprise, Carla just grinned. "Do you really have to be special? Do you really need people's recognition? I don't think so. At the very least, not when it comes to my child." She looked down at the ground in remembrance and content. "He doesn't need to become great. Why would he have to be better than everyone else? Did you get a look at him? Didn't you see how cute he is? He's already great. Because he was born into this world."

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