36- Annie's Techinique

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Written: 12/19-21/20
Published: 12/25/20

Happy Birthday Big Bro! (Levi) To celebrate, I drew the picture above!

     The 104th cadet batch would be sparring against each other. Y/n assigned pairs. Reiner against Eren. Marco against Franz. Sasha vs Connie. Jean against Daz. And so on. Y/n pouted. Eren and Reiner were probably the only ones taking the lesson seriously. Not that she didn't understand. This was just a lesson. There was no assessment and thus, it wouldn't do any damage to their final scores. Connie and Sasha were doing their signature fighting stances and Y/n caught Shadis strolling over to the two. He grabbed Connie and lifted him in the air by the corners of his eyes just like at the entrance ceremony.

     Y/n took her attention to Annie. The blond girl was just walking around, making it look like she had a goal. Y/n knew her better. Annie was just avoiding participating. Humanities Strongest took a few steps towards her, gaining the apathetic girl's attention. Y/n got in a defensive stance.

"Mind sparring against me, Annie?"

     Annie sighed but looked slightly interested. She got into position. The cadets saw what was going down. The two were maybe five feet apart.

     "Holy crap! The two strongest fighters are going at it!"

     "Annie is gonna win! She has perfect technique and smart moves!"

     "Idiot! That's Humanities Strongest soldier you're talking about! Do you think she'd lose to a cadet?"

     "I'm just saying!"

     Annie took a step towards Y/n. Y/n tensed to see her next move. Instead of an anticipated kick, the blond swung her arm at her opponent. A little off guard, Y/n dodged it with a few millisecond delay. Annie quickly regained her stance which was amazing considering the amount of force she put into the missed punch. Annie threw another punch. Y/n split stepped and dodged. She got low and reached for Annie's hips, pushing both of them through the dirt. The girl grunted and hit the (h/c) girl's back. The soldier fell on her back and before Annie could pin her to the ground, Y/n kicked her stomach. The wind forced out of her, Annie stumbled. By the time Y/n stood back up, Annie regained her breath. Annie charged at Y/n. Y/n pivoted, she ducked and took one of Annie's arms. Using her legs, she stood in place to kill Annie's momentum as quick as possible. Annie fell to the ground. Still gripping Annie's arm, Y/n kneeled to Annie and pinned her to the ground.

     By the time the dual came to an end, all the cadets and even Shadis cheered. Y/n helped Annie up and gave an approving nod to her. Annie gave a small smile as she tucked a hair behind her ear that immediately fell out. Annie walked away, being called over to Reiner and Eren. Y/n stretched a bit before turning her attention back to watching everyone spar.
Wondering what was for dinner, Y/n jogged to the mess hall. On a door lay the information she was looking for.


Food: — —
Cook: Y/n Ackermann

     "Shadis... you are awfully bold to assume I see these before the time." Y/n angrily said to herself. She shrugged. Jean taught her how to cook the omelettes he made during the cook off. She can't guarantee anyone's health after this...

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