74- Incursion

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Written: 7/10 - 12 /21

Published: 7/16/21


      Eren must be neutralizing Reiner and Falco for the attack. Any moment, Yelena will be coming to take the Cart and Porco away. For now, I just have to act like everything is normal and the show is about begin.

      "Amazing..." Udo muttered. "Even Admiral Garvey is here. The top brass of both the army and the navy. To think all the Marleyean army's key figures would gather in the ghetto..." Which is why it is the perfect chance for us to kill them all simultaneously.

     "Many ambassadors from nations around the world and noble families close to the Tybur are here. All the biggest news publishers of the world sent their reporters here, too." Gabi added.

     "It feels like we are the center of the world, huh?" Pieck asked Zofia. She was massaging the girl's seemingly tense shoulders.

     "The Tybur family's influence is incredible." Colt spoke.

     "Although they're Eldians, just like us." Porco grumbled with his arms crossed.

      Suddenly, immensely loud brass instrument music began playing. Zofia jolted in surprise and covered her ears from the noise. It sounded wonderfully concerted, but they could definitely tone down the volume. Regardless, the others remained unfazed. Y/n sat beside Udo who then sat next to Gabi who then sat beside Zofia. "It started..." The brunette announced normally. Her gaze fixated on the stage eagerly.

     "Falco and Reiner still aren't here." Y/n commented. Will Eren keep them down there until the speech is finished?

     "Sheesh.... What could they be doing?" Gabi spoke worriedly.

     "Warriors of Marley." A familiar voice spoke. Y/n looked up to see a Marleyean soldier. He wore a familiar artificial beard and his helmet slumped awfully low on his head. Y/n grinned at him discreetly. The male seemed to have caught it as a hint of a smile appeared and then disappeared quickly. "Commander Magath has summoned you." Yelena informed. "I will lead you to him."

      "Well, okay." Porco replied. He, Pieck, and Zeke arose and followed the soldier from the stands. Of course, Yelena would tell Zeke to go to the front gate instead of trapping him with the other two according to plan. Y/n internally nodded and checked off a box in her mind. Of course, as the two were dropped into a pit, they had placed straw at the bottom. It would break a few of their bones, but ultimately would not be fatal in the slightest. So far, so good.

     A minute later, the bright, luminous spotlights shone on the newly uncovered stage. Flashes of cameras for the press blinked repeatedly at the Eldian long-haired blond. He bowed respectfully to the crowd. Cheers roared through the stands. As the pageant began, Y/n was a bit confused. Is this a theatre show or a declaration of war? As Willy Tybur explained, there were fully dressed performers behind him, acting out his words. The band properly played their music that corresponded to the mood of which was happening on stage.

He told audience all about the history of Eldians, Marleyeans, and the world. Some valiant hero named Helos who joined forces with the Tybur's and defeated the Eldian race. So much so that Fritz retreated to Paradis Island and threatened the world with an army of Colossal Titans. He invited those to help him and the military eliminate the threat on Paradis. The man then disappeared behind the curtain as the two actors of Fritz and Helos came on stage to fight each other. As the show progressed, Y/n became more on edge. Tybur revealed the truth that in actuality, Fritz was the hero behind the war. He, Helos, and the Marleyean officials agreed to set up Helos as a vessel for the glory. Fritz just wanted peace between races. He just wanted to live out his final days in peace. He understood the Eldians' sins could not be atoned, so he would even accept the possibility of the Eldian race be wiped out. Really, Fritz did not care how the world turned out. But he was still the peacemaker of the war. Hundreds of audience members gasped in horror and shock.

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