Tea of Dreams Open for Business!

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Written: 11/19/21
Published: 11/19/21

It's the 1 year anniversary of the start of this book! Inneber thought I'd have something worth celebrating like this! Thank you all!

In addition, our theatre program opened its show last night! We had many tech issues, but overall it was fantastic! My first time, after 3 years, being a lead role! I encourage you guys to give theatre a try if you have not! My best moments in life are on stage! It's my home, and maybe it can be yours, too!

Also I've chosen to do this before the character endings because this is a special chapter. Rewriting this shortly for a nice ending would not be efficient for me. Anyways moving on.

"Levi, you know very well we can't set up a bucket on the door for customers we don't like." Y/n sighed for about the third time.

"If they're scum, why should they drink our precious tea?" Levi retorted. "They should scram. If they don't, that's just assurance they'll stay away."

Y/n huffed. Today, she just could not get Levi to cooperate. He continued to suggest ideas that would undoubtedly drive customers away. The proposals ranged from carrying a squirt bottle to threatening the disrespectful customers with ODM blades. The sister wondered what kind of job Levi should have in the tea shop with his attitude.

"Look, we have to be nice to our customers, no matter how troublesome they are." Y/n frowned. "Do you just want to be the janitor or something? I'm not sure I could trust you with dealing with customers..." Y/n told quite boldly.

Levi nonchalantly crossed his arms and crossed his leg. "Alright. I'll do that and more, though. It's not like I could trust you with cleaning, anyway. To think I allowed you to clean our hideout those years ago. Biggest mistake of my life."

"Okay..." Y/n interrupted. As if she would allow him to progress with the story with that point of view. "You walked in two minutes after Isabel had come storming in after tracking in mud and other things."

"Sure, sure."

The younger Ackermann sibling huffed. "Levi, can you try to be a little cooperative? We're finally doing this and I don't know, you just seem... unfavorable towards the idea of a shop."

Levi sighed, closing his eyes. "Yeah... I'm just not sure how to do this to be honest..." He admitted. "We're finally here and... I don't know, sorry."

"Perhaps we should get Erwin or Onyankopon's help." Y/n mentioned. She shook her head. "No... I want this to be our start. We can do this ourselves, right? We don't need help. Compared to other things we've done, this should be simple, right?" Her older brother shrugged.

The pair of siblings had been given a great building for their shop. The location was well-known and would be easy to draw in customers. It was a collaboration of their subordinates to get such a nice place. Their equals, Hanji, Moblit, Erwin, and so on, had donated amounts for the interior and such. Not to mention, many of the survivors of the Rumbling had donated funding as well. Their dream budget related was coming together nicely. If only the two could put two and two together.

The h/c haired woman stood up and took a glance around. The room was completely empty except for a bar and the table and chairs they sat at. Papers lay sprawled across the table surface.

"I guess we can continue this tomorrow." Y/n commented. "Everyone else said they were available tomorrow anyway. I still wonder what was going on today and tomorrow that all of them were busy today, though..."

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