71- "Filthy" Diversity

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Written: 6/28/21

Published: 6/28/21

Possible Trigger Warning: Name Calling

Sorry, I'm stressed and couldn't think of a good title. I found out I have hip dysplasia and will need major surgery or a replacement ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ. Sorry, moving on.


The sharp smell of gas overwhelmed the returning soldiers' senses. The screeching of the brakes on the large train destroyed their ears. Although there was much of it, the chatter of the soldiers fell to deaf ears over all of the racket. The war survivors nearly toppled over when the train came to a halt.

Gabi leaped out of the train car, doing a karate kick. Udo and Zofia were already well off the train while they frantically made way for the girl to land. Y/n internally rolled her eyes as she stepped off the car irritatedly. Unfortunately, Colt had doubled over and thrown up. Y/n was stuck with 'cleanup duty'. Reiner stood behind Gabi as she threw her hands in the air.

"We came back alive!!" She cheered. "To our beloved homeland!" The skilled warrior candidate cupped her mouth with her hands. "LIBERIO!!!! WE'RE HOOOOOME!"

"Gabi..." Colt groaned. His arm was helplessly slung around Porco, who was helping him walk. The older Grice had a hand to his head. He had one excruciating hangover. "Calm down, sheesh... Ow......"

Porco sighed. "It's your own fault for drinking' so much even though you know you can't handle it."

"Who gave my brother alcohol in the first place?" Falco asked curiously.

"According to Pieck, it, 'Seemed like he wanted some.'" Magath informed.

"Letting Pieck-san's thoughtful gift go to waste all over the rail car like that... How sad." Zofia commented.

"Looks like we really should've shut them up last night..." Magath muttered under his breath.

Tch. You should've. Y/n grumbled to herself. It would have saved all of us, that's for sure.

"Come on now, stop that!" Reiner scolded Gabi. She had continued to scream greetings to her hometown.

Falco eyed the vice war chief. Officer Braun. Four years ago, he took on full responsibility for the failure on Paradis Island, and was stuck in a precarious position, about to have his Armor Titan power revoked. However, because of the countless military gains achieved thanks to his bravery in risking his life, his loyalty to Marley went undoubted and there were no more calls to revoke, his possession of the power. THat's right... This man holds and has demonstrated more loyalty to Marley than any other solder in the army, both in the past and present. That's who officer Reiner Braun is.

Even Y/n got fed up with Gabi's frivolous yelling. She put a hand on her head. "Gabi..." She uttered ominously. "Pipe down, would ya? You're gonna wake the elderly up across town."

      "It's afternoon, though..." Gabi muttered.

The captain then felt Gabi's head turn to the right. Reiner was looking the same directions well. Y/n looked over and caught a glimpse of Falco whipping his head away.

But then... What was up with him last night? The youthful blond wondered. He wants me to save Gabi? If anyone else overheard that, he'd be in deep water, but he still brought it up with me...

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