Eren Ending!

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Written: 11/18/23- 1/4/24

Published: 1/5/24

(A bit of skipping in this chapter.)

A certain h/c haired captain gave out a hearty sigh. The engine's frequent rumbling and spurring had given at least somewhat of a calming nature. Why was such feeling so crucial in that moment? Well, because sitting all around the captain were her friends, comrades and temporary (maybe permanent?) allies. Her and the chosen ones present were the ones who chose to risk horrible death for what was going to be left of humanity after Eren was through with them... and they were through with him.

Hanji and Armin were reviewing strategy once more as a double check. Their situation had high rates of failure and death for each one of them. However, if even to decrease those odds, it would be fair. The rest merely sat in self reflection. What kind of lives had they lived to here? What kind of lives and futures are they going to place their stakes on?

Y/n placed a hang upon her racing heart. Though it was becoming quite a normal feeling for their line of work, it was incredibly unsettling. On the contrary, what caused her heart to be in such motion was not the looming amount of death that await them. No, it was rather the scene that just played out in a timeless horizon with the man sitting beside her. E/c eyes snuck a gaze at her brother who was watching the two strategists collaborate.

Y/n felt guilt crushing her soul. I'm so sorry, Levi. After everything you've done for me, how you've protected me... Your sister is betraying you in a way that is most painful for you to see. I'm doing this because it's what I want, but I know you want better for me. It's not the life you ever would have thought awaited me. But hey, you'll always be welcome to visit us... In fact, please come see us. After all, you're the only one who could possibly slip past the public's eyes.

The younger Ackermann sibling slipped her hand around Levi's. The sudden touch caused him to swivel his head. She gave him a smile and received a nod in return. The woman's gaze dropped to her hand that clenched into a fist. Eren, I'm going to try my best for the both of us. So don't get yourself killed, alright?


Y/n jolted awake, letting out a cough. Sitting up, she realized she was sitting in a cloud of dust. Scanning the area, there were all members of the 104th and the Marleyeans, all unconscious. Y/n scrambled to Mikasa because she was the closest and applied to fingers to her neck. She was alive. The woman's eyes searched the vicinity for her brother. Once she found him, her legs automatically moved her by his side. Blood dripped out of his mouth from saving Connie prior. Y/n gently placed her hands on his shoulders and lifted him up over her shoulder. Y/n walked around the plain lands. She found a large piece of debris and lay him against it.

She ran her hand through Levi's hair, dust and small rocks falling out. She kneeled and placed her forehead against Levi's like he did when she was sick.

Y/n then went to find her target, Eren Jaeger. She stumbled upon him unconscious laying face down. Rolling her eyes, she took him by the arm, wrapped it around her, and hauled him up. His head hung low and his hair dropped around his shoulders. Y/n gazed at his disheveled appearance with a grin. "Let's go, Eren."

Click. "Wait."

Y/n felt her heart skip a beat as she slowly turned around, her free hand in the air. In front of her were several Marleyean soldiers, all aiming their guns at her. The man in charge had a countenance that reflected fear and uncertainty.

"Where are you taking that monster, Eren Jaeger?"

"I'm taking him far away from here." Y/n stated. "I've arranged with the founder Ymir. The curse of the Eldians that the world has feared for so centuries is no more." Y/n opened her hand to the unconscious soldiers on the floor. "All of the people here can't hurt you."

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