
14K 537 225

Published 11/20/20

Just a fun little story

The quartet had decided to change things up for a few days and have the males take Levi and (Y/N)'s room while the females take Farlan and Isabel's. One reason was because Levi had absolutely refused to take Farlan and Isabel's room after he saw the mess inside (mostly Isabel's fault). (Y/N) was more compliant and took the room instead with Isabel. Another reason was Farlan and Levi (mostly Farlan though) wanted (Y/N) to hang out more with Isabel. They had quite a good time. However, during the night, Isabel sometimes snored or cried for reasons (Y/N) did not know.

One humid night, Farlan, Isabel, and (Y/N) were sitting in the living room, also the first room people came into when entering the hut. Levi had gone to the little pond to clean the ODM gear and probably everything else he had on him. The trio was telling stories to each other. Whether it be real or fake, they were having a great time. Until Farlan had a story.

"And then both of our handles broke and we lost the tea... Just our luck right?" (Y/N) said. She was explaining why she and Levi held their cups by the brim with their fingers instead of the usual way with the handle. The story earned both laughs and sad looks. The other two knew well how rare tea was.

"Yeah... Alright, I have a story." Farlan said. The two girls leaned in closer. Farlan had taken a minute or two explaining a weird monster. "That's right... on hot and humid nights just like tonight, night after night it would come to the surface, and the dark, it searched patiently for victims... It couldn't help but think that living humans were detestable, you see. In its hand, it wields a large scythe, which it uses to chop off human heads. Its body is decayed and slathered in mud, it gives off a horrible, awful stench. He then creeps quietly on unsuspecting victims deep in slumber." The girls were so nervous, they were sweating. Farlan was enjoying this a lot, but he dare not show it or it may ruin his objective. "Slowly, it raises the scythe over the throat of the victim, and...Slash!" He yelled the last part and slammed his hands on the table to make a large noise, frightening the two girls.

    Farlan let out a roaring laugh, "Hahaha! I totally scared you guys with that one!"

    "I'm not scared!" (Y/N) yelled.

    "You liar! You're pissing your pants!" He retorted.

"For goodness sake! I said I'm not! What the heck, Farlan?! You wanna go dirtwad?!" (Y/N) said back. She did not want to be remembered like this.

    "Yeah! I'll take you on right now!" Isabel said, raising her clenching hands.

"Ha!" I'll accept!" Farlan replied.

    Just then, Levi came storming in, hands holding the gear, he was wet.

    "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE." Levi said. All the bantering, teasing, and laughing instantly ceased when they heard the strict boy's voice.

The storytelling trio yelled nothing and ran as fast as they could to their newly arranged rooms. Isabel and (Y/N) got under the covers immediately. They were completely calm until looked up at the ceiling and saw something. It was a stain. It wouldn't have bothered them except ((Y/N) still would've cared seeing as it was a sign of lax cleaning) it looked like a very scary face.

    "(Y/N)..." Isabel whispered. She knew (Y/N) had seen it too. "Was that stain even there before yesterday?"

    "Maybe." (Y/N) said. She gasped. "Nah, there's no way...what's with that shape?"

    "Yeah... No thanks to Farlan's weird story, it sorta looks like a..." She paused, as if she was afraid to even say the word.

"A monster!" They both half whispered half shouted. 

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