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The rain storm seemed to have only just started as it poured heavily on Spinners End and throughout the town of Cokeworth

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The rain storm seemed to have only just started as it poured heavily on Spinners End and throughout the town of Cokeworth.

The sound of rain and slight thunder had played like music in Severus's ears as he paced all around his home too deep in thought to comprehend that he was getting ready to see Eleanor for Christmas.

He had too much on his mind. Severus was both extremely exhausted and overwhelmed which made him have second thoughts of attending.

If he attended— it would be a disaster. None of the people Eleanor is close with even considers him a person. He would feel like he was in the way. Maybe others would compare him to Sirius Black. Maybe he'll be brought up in a conversation. Severus didn't have anything nice to say about Black besides staying silent. Eleanor would think he'd be acting weird and her Christmas would be ruined just because of his awkward presence.

But if he didn't attended— he could stay home in peace as he did like all those other years before for holiday celebrations. He could sit by the fireplace and have time to think about an exact plan of how everything will go down in the next few months. He had very little ideas, but too many priorities.

If he stayed home the only thing that could go wrong is Eleanor being upset.

In his mind, he knew that she would already be resenting him eventually.

He had to face his truth, he was a Death Eater and Spy that had no purpose besides being just that. He's not the type for a happy ending and never was.

Eleanor was a distraction and it hurt him to come to the truth.

She didn't love him the same way he loved her.

This situation was way too familiar to him and found himself becoming frustrated.

With that Severus shrugged off his coat and began to choose the latter.

He could make up some excuse and say that he had gotten ill last minute.

Hopefully she'd understand.

As he took off his heavy attire he felt it again— his forearm burning like blisters, but this time it ached more than usual.

He winced in slight discomfort and yanked up the sleeve of his buttoned shirt to see the bandage securely wrapped over his mark to keep from plain sight.

Undoing the bandage as quick as he could he needed to calm down his nerves and pain level.

Taking himself to the kitchen, his tall figure leaned over his sink and began to drench his forearm with cool water to reduce the pain.

He knew what this meant.

It meant Death Eaters were calling him for help.

The problem was, was that he hadn't a clue what for and why they needed his help.

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