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Lupin woke up a bit early the next morning after having a nightmare that kept him awake

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Lupin woke up a bit early the next morning after having a nightmare that kept him awake. Usually these nightmares would be about him in his...well... unnatural form, but instead his demotic dream was replaced with Eleanor and her safety here at Hogwarts.

So forth, he set out on a visit to see headmaster dumbledore about his concerns. The sun was just peaking through the forbidden forest by the time Dumbledore heard a quiet knock at his door.

As the door began to open, Professor Lupin was suprised to see Hermione Granger slip through, thanking the headmaster on her way out holding onto a necklace of some sort.

"Professor, what a pleasant suprise!" Dumbledore welcomed the tall humble man with a smile, "Care for tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?"

"Uh, no thank you." Lupin stood with his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I actually just needed to ask you a few things."

Dumbledore sat at his desk in his lavender sleeping robes, holding up a mug as what smelled like to Lupin was hot chocolate a charmed kettle was pouring into the cup. "Of course, ask away!" He said confidently

"Why didn't you tell me Eleanor Potter was a teacher here?" The first question that left Remus's mouth threw Dumbledore off his rythm.

"Huh," The headmaster thought, "Must have slipped my mind." He he made a loud slirp from his beverage.

Lupin came closer to the headmaster, "I hate to intrude your beliefs headmaster, but how would her staying here make her feel any safer?"

To this Dumbledore titled his half moon glasses down at the incoming dark arts teacher, "You worry too much Remus, Eleanor Adler is safer here than you think. As long as she sticks with Mister Potter, she will be fine."

Remus nodded his head though he believed him to be wrong. There was a line between Hogwarts and He-who-must-not-be-named, Remus knew that one day he will cross that line easily or in this case Sirius Black or even worse, himself.

"I just need to clarify that she is safe, Harry as well." He says sincerely.

"As safe as can be, Remus."

With that Remus left Dumbledore's office, shutting the door behind him as he let out a sigh.

"I doubt that." He breathed out before walking away.

He walked down the corridor, it was still a few hours till breakfast would be served, much to Remus's surprise he saw that none other than Severus Snape was up as well, the potions master didn't notice the man as Remus was quick to hide behind a pillar to see what he was doing in front of Eleanor's chamber.

Severus knocked, it was firm and loud, only a few moments later Eleanor had peaked her head out tiredly. Her hair was in all sorts of directions. It almost made Lupin chuckle.

She glared at Snape, "Severus," she greeted tiredly. "What could you possibly want at this hour in the morning?" Her voice was groggy

"It's about your little friend Lupin." His voice cold and mocking.

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