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Young eleanor sat at a redwood breakfast table, a plate of stacked pancakes towered in front of her while her Brother finished his off as quick as he could

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Young eleanor sat at a redwood breakfast table, a plate of stacked pancakes towered in front of her while her Brother finished his off as quick as he could.

"When will you be back?" Says her small voice.

"Before you know it." Replied James who smiled at his little sister, Eleanor frowned and struggled to cut her pancakes. She was only 7, that meant she had to wait another three years till she got to experience Hogwarts like her brother was about to.

James noticed his sisters attitude before their mother called James to escort him to the Hogwarts Express. "Come on, James. Eleanor, I'll be back in a few hours. Make sure the house elf cleans up nicely. We have a dinner party tonight."

Eleanor nodded her head as she watched her mum leave the house. James walked over and gave his sister a geniun hug. "Don't do anything dumb when I'm gone sis."

"You're taking all the dumb with you James." She laughed as James gave her a teasing pinch of the nose.

"I'll write to you, soon."

"HUFFLEPUFF!" called the sorting hat as Eleanor hopped off the stool.

"Congrats sis!" Third year James Potter jumped out of his seat to hug her.

"Mum and dad are going to be so disappointed in me." She stated, James knew what she meant. Their parents encouraged  them to be in Gryffindor. Mum used to talk rubbish of Hufflepuff.

"Who cares what they think El! All that matters is that I'm proud of you! And besides, you could be in worse houses." He looked over to the slytherin table with a funny face and ten year old Eleanor giggled as he messed with her hair.

"Eleanor and Sirius sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"SHHH-ut iT!" Hushed a blushing Eleanor as she threw a pillow in her best friend and bunk mate Seria Lanchester.

Seria layed upside down on her bed reading the diary Eleanor hid under her pillow. That is until Seria found it along with Eleanors secret crush.
"I mean, I understand the whole falling for their brothers friends type deal, but you pick the one who radiates douchebag!"

"Why were you even getting into my stuff?" Asked Eleanor who stripped off her shoes that irritated her heels. She sat at her bunk rubbing her feet.

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