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Eleanor gave herself time to think when she woke up

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Eleanor gave herself time to think when she woke up. Clothes folded out on her bed ready to be packed.

She really did think about what Severus had said the night before. Her brother wouldn't want her giving up on Harry. She could care less about herself anymore, she was sad as it was and questioned her own purpose of life besides protecting Harry, or at least that's what she thought.

There was a time before any of this had happened, before Voldemort came for her family, before Harry and all the chaos.

Since Eleanor was young she planned out to be a Mediwitch for the wounded wizards and witches, much like what madam pomfrey does.

She just wanted to help people. Turns out she can't even help herself.

It would have been selfish to leave Harry alone on her part, and as lost as he is he couldn't figure out how to do things on his own, he was still new to this wizardry thing, He still had so much to learn.

Dumbledore is far too busy to be keeping an eye out on the boy and that's why the headmaster hired her in the first place.

She groaned, rubbing her eyes just before a knock came to her closed classroom door.

"What is it?" She questioned back and sat up from her desk.

Eleanor was surprised to see Harry, Hermione and Ron opening the door to let themselves in. Guilty looks on their faces as Harry held a bouquet of yellow and white tulips they had picked from the garden.

"Sorry to intrude Professor, but I believe that they have something to say to you." A voice appeared from the door which came from none other than Professor McGonagall.

"We just wanted to say that we were sorry, We didn't realise how scary it must be for you as a teacher who cares so much about our safety." Hermione frowned at the stone floor.

"I hope you're not mad at us, or at least not as disappointed as we are in ourselves." Harry then spoke out extending his arm giving Eleanor the flowers. "We're really sorry, and hope our horrible decision doesn't make you leave Hogwarts, without you, it wouldn't be Hogwarts at all."

Eleanor looked down the first years questionably than to Mcgonagall who was joined next to Professor Snape who had suddenly came to view out of nowhere leaning his weight against the frame of her classroom door.

Snape had told Mcgonagall that Eleanor had planned on leaving after that incident. Which Mcgonagall took into her own hands by having the young gryffindors apologize to her.

"I appreciate this. So much." Eleanor stated, not knowing what to say "but you must understand the danger you could have put yourselves in."

They all nodded their heads at her.

"It won't happen again." Harry said to her which Eleanor knowingly knew that this wasn't going to be the last time he was going to say that.

"Alright children, off you go." Mcgonagall called the three kids up.

Harry stopped behind, "I hope you come to my first game Professor." Then he continued on leaving the room.

Eleanor smiled after the boy who left her room.

Her eyes than darted up to meet Severus's own. A pressed lip smile was given to him as she nodded up at him.

Severus didn't respond.

Instead he took her note of gratitude and left her classroom without a word being spoken.

"I just don't understand why Quirrell would want the stone? I mean besides wanting to be immortal." Eleanor spoke outloud as Severus and herself walked towards the quidditch field for the first game of the year.

Severus walked with her, but inches apart so students didn't suspect that he actually associates himself with others, "That's just the thing Professor, who doesn't want to be immortal?" He questioned back to her.

She shrugged wrapping her sage coloured scarf around her neck, "Not me, if you were to be immortal are you truly living?"

Snape stopped in his tracks and glanced down to her, he had also stopped to put his gloves on from the cold weather. "I guess you're right." He said looking to her with lips pressed in a straight line, "But this is about someone who doesn't see life the way that you do or I or anyone normal does."

Eleanor dropped her head to watch where she was going as they continued to walk, "Do you think he is behind all of this?" Even though she did not address the name Snape had fully understood what she had meant.

"Let's hope he doesn't." Severus cleared his throat wanting to change the subject, "For right now let's just watch the game." He looked back at the thought in the back of his head while they continued their way up to the teachers box where they sat together to his dismay, but there weren't many spots left, so he didn't complain all that much.

Snape had noticed the look on Quirrells face as Eleanor passed him.

The bloke knew they were onto him.

Before Eleanor could take a seat in front of Quirrell, Severus nudged her that he was going to be taking that seat and pointed next to him where she could sit farthest from the dark arts teacher.

The game went on soon enough, gryffindor gained two then slytherin gained two. It was a tie for awhile before Harry fell off his broom.

"Oh my God." Eleanor freaked out, "oh my God, he's going to get hurt!" Eleanor wiped out her wand immediately, but Snape forced her hand down.

"Put it down! You can accidentally hurt him. Someone else is controlling that broom." Snape muttered. "I'll try to help him."

Harry was freaking out, beginning to lose grip of his broom that tried to kick him off, but suddenly the broom stopped jerking and then the smell of smoke came to Eleanors senses. She looked down to see Severus putting out fire from his cloak.

"Bloody hell, how did that happen?!" Eleanor asked while she tried to help him put it out.

"No, stay back!" He barked at her as she watched him put it out by himself. "Unlike your students, I don't need a personal aide."
Eleanor rolled her eyes at his rudeness. This man was like a coin. One moment he's decent to talk to then the next he's treating her like a fly on his shoulder.

"Gryffindor wins!"

Eleanor turned to see the crowd cheering, she had missed Harry's winning of catching the snitch.

"Ugh! Now you've done it." Eleanor exited the box leaving Severus behind. She couldn't believe she missed it.

He looked back at her blankly. Not understanding why she acted the way that she did, this wasn't the last game he'd be playing.

"Way to go Severus, you crushed her dear spirit." Mcgonagall said from behind him as she exited out as well.

Eleanor ran up to Harry giving him a surprising hug,"Congratulations Harry! I'm so proud!"

Harry hugged back awkwardly, his arms wrapped around her. She let go and messed up his hair with her gloved hand.

"Your dad would be so proud."

Then a thought came to Harry, how did she know if his dad were proud?

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