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It was a rainy Sunday afternoon

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It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. It had been hard for Harry to focus on the potions book that layed out in front of him. Instead, he stared at the raindrops that slowly raced down the stain glass window of the library.

"Oi, you should have been there Hermione. Harry had me hanging by my socks! It was hysterical!" Ron tells the story of what had happened the night before.
This caused Harry to shake out of his trance by the mentioning of his name.

Hermione didn't find the story as amusing as it had been for Ron.

She had a stern look on her face that was aimed directly at Harry.

"You should be more careful with that thing." Hermione referred to the Half Blood Prince's textbook her friend had been using, "Not all of Prince's spells on there could be ministry approved and it's extremely unnecessary to be using a cheating format to pass your studies and to dilly around with dangerous unknowing spells!"

Her bickering didn't seem to effect Harry as he continued to read through the pages of the book. He was more irritated that she thought what he had been doing was irresponsible when she was the one who interfered with McLaggen's tryouts so Ron could make the teams Keeper, but he kept his mouth shut knowing that Ron would have had a fit if he heard.

"Great job with making Keeper." A fellow Gryffindor girl shyly spoke to Ron as she passed their table.

Ron's cheeks heated up, "Thanks." He mumbled as he watched Lavender Brown leave the library.

Hermione frowned at her written parchment without a word being spoken.

"I could have sworn I saw him go in here." Neville stated as he entered the Library with Eleanor who helped him search around the corridor for his escaped toad.

"Ah well, I'm sure Trevor is around here somewhere." Eleanor eyed the library floor before she locked eyes with her nephew.

Harry smiled at her and welcomed his aunt to come over by giving her his attention.

"Happy Sunday." Harry greeted

Her nude pink coloured lips raised into a small grin, "Happy Sunday to you as well. All of you." Her voice was faint as she politely glanced at both Hermione and Ron as well.

Hermione stayed quiet, but gave the professor a nod as she continued to do her homework.

Harry stared at his aunt carefully. She looked to have had another sleepless night. Her eyes were heavy and strained. He figured her lack of sleep had to do with Sirius.

The engagment ring was still worn on her finger. He didn't know if she left it there purposely or if she had forgotten about it. Perhaps she was too scared to take it off or too emotionally attached to it.

"How did the Quidditch tryouts go?" She asked

Harry shrugged, "They went well... I think." Harry gestured to Ron, "Ron is the new keeper."

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